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So I don't normally ask this, because my pride won't let me, because I believe in...

  • Thread starter Christopher Hicks
  • Start date

Christopher Hicks

So I don't normally ask this, because my pride won't let me, because I believe in earning things yourself, but at this point I believe I'm on the verge of tilted, and sometimes strength in numbers helps, but I need help getting out of bronze, I thought I could do it myself and got to 1483, and dropped down to 1223, over the course of a couple of matches over 3 days I'm currently at 1256 I think, or somewhere around there. I'm a support main, (mercy mostly and I shine in team comps) but I can rein and reaper if need be. My career high was 2200 in season 1 and 2 I'd like to be close to that, if not higher. I'm open to suggestions and constructive criticism. I currently work graveyard yard, so early mornings and late night s are when I play. Msg me if you'd be willing to help. Thanks a bunch in advance. I'm on PC.

Lauren Galbraith

What do you play on?

Josh Mars

What do you play on?

Mathieu Berger-Latour

If you can upload a video of your gameplay I can give you tips.

Christopher Hicks

Edited the post for PC, sorry for the confusion

Louis Lau

It's hard. In season 2 I was Plat. Easily. But as the season goes on, I dropped down to Silver due to a lot of poor team and DPS instalock. I guess the best time is to play during the midnight where most trolls will be asleep. Also try to play when you're at the best mood and with decent friends. It sucks I know that but most toxic players here will just piss you off by saying "It's not them, it's you. Git gud".

A video of your gameplay can help.

Emilio Ramsamooj

GIT gud

Keo Vue

What console add me

Alexis Snow

If you've been playing since season one and cant stay consistent then a team really won't help much because you'll just crash as soon as you play without one.

Mike Lusareta

i mean, real advice: If you are in bronze, do not main support. If you play reaper, play him every single game. Learn to kill everyone. it's bronze. You don't need a support. or a team comp. Bronze/Silver you can get away with being completely selfish and just playing a carry. Mainly because if you ARENT selfish, your team will always let you down. because they are bronze.

Jordan Kees

I'm with you dude. It's a team game, everyones gotta do their part or it doesn't work.
You can fulfill your role to perfection but if the rest of the team doesn't follow suit then...ya gotta carry.
Many players don't understand team composition or crowd placement. Or how to counter certain heroes.
It's aggravating knowing you're playing your role well and losing because your team won't stay on the payload and just cooperate for the 5 seconds it takes to move the payload in for the win -_-

Callie Goodwin

I'm about to drop to silver for this reason and about to quit for the season cause it's so hard. I won a game with ra dims today checked all their SR highs and they were golds and plays in silver some of them I didn't get why cause they were good as hell, some I under stood. This once girl just wouldn't shut up about her family etc to communicate and listen to our calls and blamed us for the loss. I'm afraid to play cause I've climbed from silver so much it's frustrating.

Jordan Kees

When you find yourself wondering why they're good and play in silver, check their objective kills and total objective time. Bet ya it's low.

Jordan Kees

Gotta remember, the game is about capturing the objective no getting kills. Players forget this

FeLix Morillo

I'm trying same thing, i'm 1460 now maybe we can team up and try to get out of bronze my battlenet is felixmorillo#1302

Hilary Lohr

2200 in season one? Season one had scoring from 1 to 100....

Anthony Hemm

I’m gonna give you some controversial advice but it’s both true and the best bet. Create a family account and make a smurf. Grab a dps character and go into quick play and try the hardest you possibly can. Placements same thing. The game takes your stats into consideration on your first placement. Once you get ranked, only stack 2or 3 and always go team chat. Learn to flex and watch YouTube vids on position

Mihnea Gogu

I main I guess I could boost you if you wanted

Penny Lane

DM me your bnet. I have analysts and coaches I play with daily for my company and we can help.

Alonso Cruz

Just dont play support.

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