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PC So got a question. Ive played ark on ps4 for awhile. Im well built up but im thinking...


Storm Foster

So got a question. Ive played ark on ps4 for awhile. Im well built up but im thinking about getting it on pc because i feel itll be way better on it. I know the ps4 community and its waaaay to late to restart. Is it the same for pc or are there servers that actually let you start up and build.

Luke Godfrey

if u want to go pve on pc u can join my server

Stephen Harano

yeah, you're pretty much hosed if you want to go Official PvP on PC. unless you can manage your way in to an Alpha tribe somewhere.

But the fun with PC is having the unofficial servers that are tailored for the type of game play that you want. For example, my server is a community based PvP/PvE server with active trading and commerce. It's pretty much just a standard PvP server, except Herbivore Island is a safe zone where players can come to do business, buy weapons, dinos, crops, and other merch using the capitalismcurrency mods

William Lomas

I was an xbox player on ark but pc pvp is really chilled compared to console

Storm Foster

Console was be big and bad ass or get trashed lol

William Lomas

Lol well on ark pvp on pc official people would rather help you out than raid or wipe you I prefer it to console

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