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Since Mercy is so good at keeping people alive by herself, I propose a concept. With...

  • Thread starter Jeff Triforce Zeldeonardis
  • Start date

Jeff Triforce Zeldeonardis

Since Mercy is so good at keeping people alive by herself, I propose a concept. With so many complaints about a resurrect ability in an fps game, I say remove her res, and instead give her an ability that further supports her kit of main healing. Maybe a single target buff that reduces damage by 25-50% for 6 seconds ish, so it's easier to keep your key targets alive longer. What's some of your thoughts on Mercy and how to improve her?

Nico Labelle

I think just removing the rez would make Mercy fine, She already have good HPS, she can damage boost, fly to teammates, Her ult heal everyone with huge amount of healing, damage boost everyone ! She would be a good healer even without the rez lol

Edward Michael Alvarez

Just delete mercy so everyone can be Moira mains

Martin Sebastian Orozco Alvarez

If people want balance, go and play any other FPS because Overwatch itself is super unballanced

Martin Sebastian Orozco Alvarez

Blizzard should just let their balance team do the work and stop listening to the crybabies of our community.
Because when they stop complaining about Mercy they will start complaining about Moira, then Ana and so on...

Kylie Pirre

Rez is too much a part of overwatches lore and backstory for them to realistically get rid of it

KateLynn Wallwork

I think she should jus be left alone. A lot of people complained and got her nerfed so much she doesn't need anything else removed or added. I think she should really be left alone.

Dominika Lénárt

Well people after the nerfs started to notice that there is a mercy in the enemy teams. Suddenly they started to focus mercys but they still cant fking shoot me when i stand still for 1,5 sec. Excuse me THAT ISNT THE HERO'S PROBLEM THAT U SUK MATE FOR GOD SAKE

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