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Xbox One Server name : THE ARK SERVER EST Gamertag to join off of: Ark Realm Est Nitrado:...


Robert Larocco

Server name : THE ARK SERVER EST
Gamertag to join off of: Ark Realm Est
Nitrado: Server 50 slots will be a cluster in due time with the center
Map: Ragnarok
Gathering : 3
Crop growth : 1
Resource respawn 00
Player weight 1point = 300
Generic Experience 1
Harvest experience 5
Flyer speed normal
Server type: Pvp (City is Pve)
Egg Hatching 100 have food ready
Mature 5
Mating 3.367 3days 7hours
Baby cuddle interval multiplier 0.699 2:30min
Poop inter 3.1
Cave flying: on
Player harv 0.6
Dino hp regen 3.0
Player hp regent 3.0
Player food water drain 0.6
Join our Facebook group The Ark Server Est
Rules in
1.Clean your trash: all broken down buildings must be removed by the tribe that owns them. Random pillars and Foundations are a No-No
2.bashing the server publicly in chat or any other public site will get you immediately banned from the server.
3. We are equal opportunity server discrimination against someone's sexuality, religion, or disability or Race, will immediately be ban.
4. Inappropriate tribe names or player names you will be asked to change it
5. New people anyone that is level 30 and below if they harassed with PVP with video proof of them being picked on provided the tribe doing the harassing will lose their base dinos and be banned from the server. No warnings for this rule are given

Robert Larocco

This Server is on it for people that want the feel of official but managed to not have to spend hours on end to tame or raise a Dino. It is ran by a very good group of people but are all adults and none of them are under the age of 25. So if you're looking for a server to call home you are welcome here in time we will form a cluster of the center

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