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Roadhog is the most attractive character in all of Overwatch. Nothing or no one will...

  • Thread starter Shinji Heilemann
  • Start date

Shinji Heilemann

Roadhog is the most attractive character in all of Overwatch. Nothing or no one will convince me otherwise. While you middle aged buffoons hopelessly stroke your microscopic slabs of meat to overrated, tasteless sluts like Symetra or Orisa, I thoroughly and triumphantly pleasure my handsome AUSTRALIAN GOD each and every night. Being not only the youngest hero, but single-handedly and easily the best in the entire roster, Roadhog is the pinnacle of human achievement. The first thing uncultured, pitiful swines who call themselves "women" often tend to notice in a man, is his hook size. If you want to be a fool and cast your judgement on merely looks, even still you will notice that Roadhog completely obliterates any competition whatsoever. With his generously thick body, Gorgeous eyes and well-conditioned medium long white hair, you simply cannot ask for any more from a man. If an idiot female hadn't coveted Roadhog’s beauty, she is most likely attempting to bash my fair lord for his characteristics. To that, I say their opinions are completely childish, as they are merely jealous of her countless feats of victory. As you already know, Roadhog is one of the world's greatest meathookers of all time, already proving that he is in possession of incredible precision, reflexes, and to top it off, a master tactician. Anyone upset by Roadhog’s charismatic and boisterous personality should expect to be ridiculed, as my empress has worked very hard and diligently to achieve this pompous state of living. And your tears only fuel his ever-growing success even more. So really, I ask of you a very simple question. What can you say about yourself? Are you the popular designated angel and god? Do you possess unmatched beauty that no other girl can ever come close to achieving? Are you being paid to participate in talon and reject soldiers? No? I thought so.

Jessica Aldrich

I say this to myself every night before I go to bed tbh.

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