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Xbox One Renters beware, Started rented servers the first week they became available. No...


Nathan Dunn

Renters beware,

Started rented servers the first week they became available. No issues until trying to renew one of our 4 servers subscriptions for 30 days.

Purchased 30 days more of Server time through the Nitrado app on Xbox like we’ve been doing with 0 issues. App spits out some error code. Long story short they charged us for $23.44 and never provided the 30 days to the server.

Submitted a ticket through Nitrado to have the issue fixed. They asked for a receipt for proof of purchase. Provided them with the receipt and no response for 5 days.

Same day of support ticket we called their support number to which the entire time they just blamed Microsoft for the issue because the transactions go through them. Understandable. Nitrado added 5 days of time so the issue could be fixed.

Called Microsoft hoping for some resolution. They then proceeded to blame Nitrado and Microsoft claimed they could not do anything and that the server time could be added to the account within a couple of days. Was advised to call Microsoft back if Nitrado doesn’t add server time for our refund.

Called Nitrado again on the last day of the 5 they provided to have this issue corrected, to which they once again proceed to blame Microsoft. They offered absolutely zero resolutions to the issue even though our server is set to expire in 16 hours now. They said “just purchase 30 days again.” This was one of their genius ideas.
Explained to them that microsoft is blaming them because Microsoft has received our payment just fine as we showed you in our support tickets submitted and Nitrado just once again said, no it’s definitely Microsoft’s issue.

So here we are, server set to expire in 12 hours now and we have to now purchase 30 days AGAIN and have our account charged $23.44 AGAIN because Nitrado, even after providing them with clear proof of purchase absolutely REFUSES to rectify the situation at all.

Microsoft is ultimately going to refund us the initial transaction because Nitrado could care less about its customers obviously even when you provide them with all the proof and bank statements of you being charged they play the blame game.

Figured I would share our experience with this awful situation just so other renters out there can be more cautious and aware of what Nitrado is capable of. If you receive an error code when purchasing server time, immediately call Microsoft for a refund because you will not get your server time extension. Absolutely ridiculous customer service.

Jimmie Winfield

Meh. I’d blame Microsoft. Sounds like they didn’t get payment/notification of payment over to Nitrado. Communications errors happen. At least you got your money back. It’s MS fault that you have to pay MS to play a nitrado server in the first place. Stingy is what they are. Gotta have a piece of the pie.

Shane Anthony Peter Farmer

You do have rights under Microsoft’s agreements to get a refund if the product or service was not provided and you did not receive your goods.

Which either Nitrado or Microsoft can sort out.

I would look further into this as they both have parts of negligence with customers.

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