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Xbox One RAGNAROK UK SERVER JUST GONE LIVE This server is full pvp server for the players who...


Elliot Collins


This server is full pvp server for the players who want that server to last and play with etiquette. I want it to run similar to the nerd perade server without the wiping ect.I want this server to run organically and creat a good community of players, only admin commands that will be used is dino wipes.

Please treat other people as you would want to be treated, it's no fun logging on to bases wiped so raid each other laugh about it, build up again and try get revenge.

Host GT: Wooki3sworld2
Fb: Wookiesworld ark server

Harvesting 3x
Taming 2.5x
Hatching 10x
Mature rate 10x
Spoil time will be slightly above standard
Food and water drain reduced slightly 0.7


1.It will be PVP all week with structure damage half what it usually takes.
However 2 days a week will be purge days where structures take normal damage.
Dinos and players can be killed at any time.
2 days will be Wednesday and Sunday.

2. No passive killing allowed unless there genuinely in the way. (please record raids as evidence or I will belive the raided tribe)

3. No wiping bases. No one like to come on to a wiped base regardless if it's boosted or not. If something is locked destroy it, if it isn't try your best to leave it. As a not vaults take allot of damage guys, blowing 1 up will wipe that part of your base. I leave mine unlocked for that reason.

4. No cave building of any kind. If it's a 1 way in and out it's a cave. If it has a cave underneath e.g castle it's a cave. No blocking obolisks

5. 8-10man tribe maximum

6. Any claims of admin abuse as I'm sick of anyone who gets raided crying it will have to provide sufficient evidence (which will be impossible as we don't cheat) without such evidence you will be removed from the server along with your tribe and anything belonging to said tribe.

7. Admins decision is final and stats will be up for a little discussion other than that you don't like it your free to leave. Sick of cry babies and people trying to tell me how they would run there server. If that's the case go run your own

8. All new people must post GT and tribe name on fb page or you are at risk of being kicked from the game with no warning

9. No brontos

Dino stats
Weight 6x
Stamina 2x
Mele 1x
Health 1x

Player stats
Health 2x
Weight 5x
Water and food 2x
Stamina 2x
Speed 2.5x
Fortitude 3x
Mele 2x
Oxygen 3x

Any question just ask

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