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Quick question. Currently have 1.35V set in Bios. However when i run the stress test...


Trav Wilkins

Quick question. Currently have 1.35V set in Bios. However when i run the stress test it shows higher. Is this a bad voltage to run at? Typically i rarely see above 50% utilization during normal use. Watercooling is set to quite and temps look ok. Thank you.

Dalton Heiland

Vcore tends to go higher for stepping reasons. That way it does not crash.

Anthony McCauley

That voltage is safe, but you might be able to bring it down a bit if you have a good chip. 4.0Ghz might even work at 1.38v if you're lucky.

Are you using auto LLC? It seems like auto is defaulting to LLC 2-3. You can try LLC 1 so while under load you only see a tiny difference. 0.05 or so.

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