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Question to other Monkey Mains out there, how are my stats? Looking for stats to...


Richard Miller

Question to other Monkey Mains out there, how are my stats? Looking for stats to compare and some critism (don’t be rude, I’m not asking to be bashed if I’m bad lol)

Shehryar Qazi

up your melee kills

Tenzing Dawa

Melee as you land is a great way to get a small extra burst of damage. So try to use it as often as you can when you jump

Travis Doyle

I play on pc so my mouse bindings for him are left click is gun, right click is punch and my middle mouse button is jump. with that setup i can do the leap and melee combo easy, as well as holding left click to zap (still holding) then tap right button for a melee (then i swing camera for epic punch aoe) and as i am still holding in fire it animation cancels back into gun. because of this fast melee zap combo you can essentially extend your ammo clip by a few seconds to both get a bit more damage in and secure a kill (instead of chasing to melee your ammo has enough left to zap and kill then leap away). this is situational ofc but a handy trick to have in your kit.

Fisher Tiger

Here were mine earlier in the season for comparison

Temét Aguilar

You're good, up your melee game though. Great way to finish them off and get extra burst dmg on his leap.

Dan Wells

I wouldnt focus on your stats to be honest, sometimes you do less to confirm a win, for example baiting multiple members of the enemy team away from a fight

Im currently top 500 as a hog/winston playing motherfucker, so feel free to compare

John Huk

"1 hour played"

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