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Xbox One PvP Player: "What's the point of having Rulers and Kingdoms on a server if you can't...


Blair McLaren

PvP Player: "What's the point of having Rulers and Kingdoms on a server if you can't attack them and conquer them?"

PvE Player: "What's the point of making a good looking build and breeding if your tames always get killed and your base gets wiped?"

Truth is PvP and PvE never seem to work well together.

The Kingdom Wars server plans on changing that. The Fun of dominating your enemy, conquering their lands, and bragging rights, while being able to build, tame, and breed without fear of losing it all.

Interested? Check out our website to learn more.
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The Kingdom Wars server will be running on the Nitrado Servers when they become avalible later this week. No Fee to play. So come choose a kingdom and conquer the world.

Josh Williams

If you can conquer other people's kingdoms, surely that would mean killing their tames and destroying their buildings. You can't have it both ways.

Charlie Black

My question is, When can I play?

Ivan Darce Jr.

I'd wipe that whole server & end up getting kicked

Fritz Rischmüller

Charl Jooste

Justin Dean Davison

I feel like abberation is going to be different, I feel like tribes will work together to get a hang of how abberation works since it’s something foreign to us, and since nobody knows where to build or what resources are valuable it’s going to end up being a giant trading fananza, so I feel like pvp and pve players will connect on abberation when it comesnout

Edmond France

Sounds good, am looking on returning to ark

Logan Kade Arthur

Bro, i just read the entire website and holy shit. This sounds fun as hell. Might be just what i need to get back into ark.

Greg Mcfarland

So is there a server up now? Cause everyone knows wildcard won’t get us the update until next year

Joey Cain

Sounds fun, following to join when it releases

Daniel Atkins

The server is growing nicely, the events are really fun and its now only a couple weeks away from the first wars,
Avalon, are still looking for people to join tribes, or for small groups of friends to set up their own tribe under the protection of the Avalon Kingdom.

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