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Xbox One PvP and will allow 100 slots on update. Insta tame on first bite. 15 stone per pick...


Fermin Quintero

PvP and will allow 100 slots on update.

Insta tame on first bite.
15 stone per pick up
20x xp
Offical stats on dinos except for weight and stamina. Might increase speed.
So breeding will be needed for boss fights.
Offical human stats except for oxegine, stamina and weight.
So guns will kill people players and tames.
100x breeding
100x growing up
So you don't have to wait endlessly.
Might be 2 or 3 hours to breed again not sure yet.
Loot crates will be at 3 so drops will be ok not to op.
Offline raid protection will be on' and gives you 10 mins after you log off. If you abuse it I will wipe your base.
I will only give ascendant tools to start no pike.
Once ark is back to normal we will make events and other stuff.

Don't come in here to tame only they will get wiped. It's boosted so turrets plant x metal all that is needed. I will not ban or kick anyone this is ark and it is up to you to build up and protect your base.

Keith Eckhoff

Server name??

Nate Lebario

Rell Belcher

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