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Proof that your skill leads to your rise: When I first played comp, I'd play bastion....


Ted Clermont

Proof that your skill leads to your rise:

When I first played comp, I'd play bastion. Only Bastion. No one else. Ever. Placed mid gold and dropped to silver. Didn't use mic always got tilted etc. This was season 4.

Two seasons later I pick up dva. Was doing better, started using mic. Never dropped to silver since.

Next season I learned other dps and tank roles. Started getting good with genji. Still mainly played dva. Still gold.

Next season until now I became a genji main. Still a genji main. Season before the previous one I would only pick up genji and ask the team to support me. Even built my own six stack. Guess what? Still in gold.

Previous season, I flexed around with my dps and tanks. If I was getting countered with genji I would switch off in a heartbeat. No need to waste time. Started to duo que. FINALLY hit plat. Just below 2510.

Beginning of this season, did placements with 6 stack. Lost 5. Placed back in gold. Tried to duo and stick with genji most. Kept dropping. Finally started going solo (found out my duo mate was on a consistent losing streak, still is) and reached plat again.

Now I start every game with a positive message to the team and I let them know I can fill any role but I'm not too good at healing. 9/10 someone will pick up healer because they appreciate my consideration.

Now I'm 2600. I'm at the stage where I need to learn not to blame everyone else for the loss EVEN IF IT WAS OBVIOUS! I have to look at the mistakes I make and fix them. I'll see you guys in diamond or higher one day

Bryan Crozier

So should i switch to genji?

Bryan Crozier

Im struggling to makw good score in comp lol

Kasia Gurtowska

Well, i was playing dps, now i'm flex but i main Moira and i used mic one time to say "YAAAY" cuz all team did the same. I just practice, in s5 i was in low gold and now i'm in low diax :')

Vynyl Shiro

I'm a tank main and support secondary, but I'm forced to play DPS because everyone wants to play Hanzo, Widow and Genji and not hit anything. I hate playing DPS, my skills don't lie in DPS and that's why I can't climb out of gold. I have no desire to sharpen my DPS skills because that role is boring.

Mohammed Raid

started season 6 placed me bronze then climbed to silver played dps/tank/support
season 7 climbed from silver to plat mostly played support/tank
season 8 placed gold 2375 then climbed to plat

Ryan Stoops

Started season 2 in plat, in season 8,still plat. Sad reacts only, f to pay respects.

Oliver Bach

With that mindset ill C U in T500

Brayden Sherwood

yeah i feel this. I tried out comp for the first time season 6, placed gold but dropped to low silver, didn't really play it much

Took it more seriously this season, filled roles that needed filling (mostly Reinhardt in the lower ranks). Placed Bronze with around 980ish sr. Climbed my way up solo q and now i'm plat. I always start a game with a "g'day guys how we goin'?" and usually have some good times from it

Jeffrey Lim

I have a similar story, I started playing comp since season 2 and been playing regularly every season. Tried everything from duo to full stacked team tried to play every role I could to fill. Could never manage to climb out of gold no matter what I tried. I came close in season 3 at 2479 but even now I’m still in gold. My games were always 50-50 win losses so sometimes even after hundred of games each season I still somehow remained around the same sr never dropping below silver but never gaining either. So i bought a new account during one of the 50% discount event and went to comp at lvl 25. After placements I landed at 2853 sr by playing only rein n dva. I just feel like sometimes if u think u’re stuck somewhere u don’t belong it might not be that u’re not skilled or u don’t have enough game sense not that those things don’t help but a small part of the problem could just be due to the ladder system.

Cody Burdick

My first season I hit plat. Played mostly DVa and Bastion, but picked up Sombra. Mained Sombra for like 3 seasons, then started flexing. Now, I flex harder than a lukewarm cheese stick, and I've never had as much fun as I do now. It always sucked being the guy who said, "No, I can't play [insert character name], I'm terrible with them." I'm not proficient with EVERY character (still shit with Genji xD) but I feel comfortable using about half the roster.

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