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Pro Tip: Forcing people to play characters they dont know how to play will usually get...


JR Madison

Pro Tip: Forcing people to play characters they dont know how to play will usually get you a loss.

Gabriel Hamilton

I have experienced this. Even when I have a 1:5 response ratio. If they listen most do not know how to do it. The team should come figure it out collectively. Like who mains tank, highest aim percentage, and so on. Other than one trick pony that's on the verge of being slaughtered.

Liam Sacris

True. When i joined a match with random players, i check if someone is going to be healers. If there no healers, i usually go as a healer.

Matt Bubp

Absolutely accurate but with a caveat: it is reasonable for your teammates to expect you to be able to run at least one tank, one DPS, and one healer with at least moderate efficiency if those roles need filled.

JR Madison

Just last night (3600 SR pc) we had a mercy main who refused to play mercy cause "i played her 5 games in a row" and nobody else picks healer. Im a dva main (almost a 1 trick this season because of how good she is in this meta) but i also play a good lucio and a decent mccree also but im an awful mercy. Obviously solo lucio isnt going to be enough healing and im not a god ana and ive never played moira so mercy is the only choice.

Proceeds to get flamed because i was playing mercy poorly.. Just like i said i was going to do if i was forced to heal because i dont know how.

Manuel D. Montalvo III

Truth has been spoken

Petar Mitic

You'll lose us the game anyway,you might as well play a character that's useful.Even soldier isn't that hard.

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