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PC People want experienced raiders > People refuse to train up and develop new players...


Conan Lockwood

People want experienced raiders > People refuse to train up and develop new players into raiders > Experienced raiders complain about not having anyone to do it with? As an experienced raider, I'd like to ask my fellow experienced raiders... Would you train rookies?

Adam Reed

I train people all the time... Or should I say teach...lmao

Joey Cardy

I need a sherpa. Not played any raid in D2 yet. I ran VoG/Crota a shitload of times and cleared Kings Fall a few times too (never played the machines one) . I have two otehrs who;ve never raided in Destiny before.

Finding a Sherpa plus 2 more willing to explain it all is proving difficult.

Tim Graves

All it takes is 5-10 mins to explain each area and maybe 2 or 3 tries.

Chris Rostant

I've done the raid all of once, whenever i see people requiring experienced people I just decide to not join, I don't want somebody yelling at me the whole time and I don't feel like "faking it until I make it".

I don't feel doing it once makes me experienced at all.

Eugene Mercado

I'm down to help if needed but I won't be on til 4pm PST. Beaten all but the new Leviathan Raid Lair on PS4 (D1 & D2 alike) but am looking for a PC squad.


Conan Lockwood

Letting this be an open poll... WAS BY FAR THE BEST DECISION I COULD HAVE MADE.

Nick DeMent

First time through the whole thing last night. It’s so easy to teach. Players just gotta have their head out their ass.

Shin Hoon Cha

Had groups where it would just take one or two explanations for each stage & a few runs to work out the small problems. On the other hand, I've had groups where I would have to explain 10+ times and it would take 4 + hours & to remind them on every single small mechanic on each stage. It all really depends on the ones learning.

Ryan Ngo

I only train or teach people whom have taken the time to watch the videos. I've done the raid over 25 times now.

Mark Thomson

The problem with teaching people how to raid is most of the time they’re too lazy to watch a video themselves and they expect people to just do everything for them. Therefore I won’t teach anyone that won’t take the time to at least watch a video and get an idea of what to do.

Carlos Martinez-Rodas

It really depends. Some days I just want to get it done as quick as possible. Other days I have the patience to teach new people. You’re not an A HOLE by default if you have little patience. Some people can be Sherpas and others can’t. Both of those people can ruin an experience. “Sherpas” who don’t know how to teach and “Sherpas” that teach because they feel they have no other choice. I say do what you want and don’t b**ch because people aren’t doing it your way. TRUE Sherpas understand that all raiders are different and respect that.

Daniel Haerer

There are guides and you can do it with other new players.... so who cares?

Daniel Haerer

How did people gain xp? Right, they tried and learned ...
Why should new people dont do it?

Jeff Trocchio

I sound like a broken record now but I completed VoG and CE 3 times weekly for a few months but can't find a person to assist me on this one. Don't have much time to be fair.

Haunter Neko Wiz

when i finish all weekly i pass my time helping new people to learn the basic on raids

James Brown

I have no problem teaching some one but some people are extremely hard to explain things to and can’t even take 10 mins of there time to watch a you tube tutorial to have a general idea to start from to raid properly they just want the side of carry sauce with there raid sandwich...

Katie Esqueda

i know i dont have a lot of time to train people because with people who havnt done it before the time averages out to 4 hours to complete the raid. that being said, when i do have the time you better bet im messaging my clan asking who hasnt completed it yet and i train people so we have more people to do it with. but i can also understand where people are coming from when they say they dont want to train people because i know i just want to grind out a raid really fast sometimes and then hop off. but ya people who are just being mean about it are assholes. ALSO people need to watch videos of the raid to get a basic idea before heading in. dont make people teach you if you have NO IDEA what you are doing. if someone is taking the time to teach you then help them out a little and educate yourself before going in. in my clan right now i think most of our active people have finished atleast one raid.

Kiyoko Mori

Yeah, have done one raid. Got constantly bitched out (Like insulted, the dude 't-bagged' me when I died, etc) for no mic, even though I was doing everything else well and never set the raid back once. Kinda put me off raiding. Too many "L33ts" in this game.

Conan Lockwood

I get what ya mean but I'd really require comms. :0

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