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People talk about how OP Mercy is and how she needs to be nerfed or she’s just too...


Adam Maas

People talk about how OP Mercy is and how she needs to be nerfed or she’s just too easy no-skill but whenever I need to play Mercy I get evaporated by the other team the second I touch the battlefield

David Thomas Cupp

Well she IS pretty overpowered by nature of her abilities. Rez is just absolutely nuts in any game like this, and at the end of the day, despite her lacking offense and minimal survival capabilities, she does have enough, that with proper coordination and a little positioning, she can be outrageously overwhelming in a game.

That being said, if a DPS does manage to find her in a bad spot, and can't almost instantly kill her, they're probably doing something wrong.

Aadil Saqib

Well, the thing is... You're probably not a good Mercy.

Harmbo Wengar


Ian Christian

Cant wait for them to nerf that bitch ass, res is just bs and her insane mobility during valk makes her almost imossible to kill alone, as Dva :/ because dps cant hit her for shit

Hasan Un

How about
just waiting for the changes ?
You had 2 full seasons in which mercy was basically a must pick

Adam Maas

It’s pointless nerfing her. Idk why people keep asking for it and they keep doing it. It’s like they killed a horse, and then clubbed it, and then lit it on fire. And people are still saying the dead burnt clubbed horse is still too good and now they’re gonna try and bury the dead burnt clubbed horse

Matthew Johnson

Being good at mercy is knowing how to heal, who to heal, and how to hide, how to evade. It’s all about how you can stay alive while keeping your teammates up. Rez when safe, keep our if LOS, and focus on healing / boosting non stop.

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