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Over 50% Of Nintendo Switch Online Subscribers Have Purchased The Annual Plan


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Despite being live for over a month now, Nintendo is yet to share any information on just how well the new
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is doing in terms of subscriber numbers and any revenue gained as a result. At present, it's hard to say whether or not the majority of players have just gone along with the subscription or ignored the change entirely, but we do now know a little more about the differences between individual plan purchases.

Speaking today in Osaka, Nintendo President Shuntaro Furukawa has revealed that over 50% of Nintendo Switch Online subscribers have purchased the annual plan, rather than the three-month or one-month variants. This makes sense from a financial point of view - the £17.99 / $19.99 annual cost isn't nearly as high as similar services provided by competitors Sony and Microsoft, and the year-long purchase provides a discount when compared to the £6.99 / $7.99 and £3.49 / $3.99 costs behind the other options - but it shows that those who have taken the plunge have been happy to commit for a whole year.

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