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Okay so I'm in a weird position. My first comp game was with like anything from Golds...


Sammy Bourgeois

Okay so I'm in a weird position. My first comp game was with like anything from Golds to Diamonds. I didn't choose this, this is what I was given. At that rank, I would simply only be useful giving heals and rezs, no way in hell could I dps at that level, and my tanking lacks in real games . Then because Mercy was the only practical character for me to use, she became what people see on my career profile. In about four games, I got told something like "why are you playing D.Va when you're a Mercy main?" And frankly, they were right. When I switched to Mercy, I was just simply more of an asset to my team. And at the end of the day, I am going to do what's best for the whole team to get the win, so at no point during my placements was it truly practical to swap out. (I was Pharah once to moderate success, but it was apparent I needed Mercy when the other team switched to a hitscan)

And yeah, now I'm at a rank where I probably will have troubles competing with any character but Mercy... But what was I meant to do, pick a character that *didn't* give my team the best chance in the fight?

By all means, I acknowledge that this probably makes me a Mercy one trick... but again, should I not do what's going to give my team the best odds, and put my strongest foot forward? I'm happy to be a Mercy main, and by all means I think that I do contribute my part as her. But I couldn't control being matched with roughly Plat players in my first comp games ever, and wasn't about to throw the games by playing characters that I have no dog in the fight with. :I

So, frankly...did I do the right thing because I consistently picked the character that, in my hands, gave my teams the best chance and did legitimately give good results? Or the wrong thing for reaching a rank with one character that I likely can't hold with other characters (even considering that beyond my control, I was pitched in with Plats, rather than like Silvers or Bronzes)

Nathaniel Louis Martin

You did, but at the same time. You won't improve in any other role if you don't play that role. Try it out in Quickplay and then go to Comp and just try your best.

James Brown

It does end up being a problem later if you don't have 3-4 solid choices. Others will instalock mercy and will refuse to switch. Get good with at least one from each type (realistically 2 from support since symmetra most people count as defense anyways )

Ahmad Husaini

For me at least, it's not such a big of a problem to be a mercy one trick, as mercy is always good in any situation. Since your have trouble with aiming, I suggest learning Winston and rein, and then harsh or soldier, as these hero, even your bad with them, can contribute a lot to the team.

Not as much as mercy tho

Mitch Rhodes

Make a new account.

Play other things on the new account. See where you end up.

Alan Schramm

It's a game you bought with ur money. If you decide u want to play Mercy to help ur team out and to actually be a support then do it. I don't care about one tricks or people playing Hanzo/widow/sym..and so on. People should enjoy the game even In comp. If u can't play a dps that's fine. If ur a strong support and enjoy playing them then do it. People nowadays are just so focused on winning winning winning they even tell the other team that theirs is literally "Trash". Just have fun playing and do ur best to support ur team. Don't care about anything else cause u seem to enjoy mercy a lot :D

Cody Burdick

Honestly, just play whatever you think will be best. Let others fill when the time comes.

Amir Syazwi

Well my guess u only use mercy on comp right? I suggest go practice at least offtank or main tank or any other support hero like zen or lucio or ana for def. It's hard on comp if u only one trick.

Dhanj Narasimhan

You're actually acknowledging it and you're looking how to improve and help your team, imo that makes you a lot better to play with than the tons of DPS or support one tricks in diamond

I kind of one tricked Genji to 3800 from plat in season 4 and even though I knew how to play support and tank, if I needed to play a different DPS I was basically useless and went back to learn heroes. There's nothing wrong with playing who you want but it's never a bad idea to learn other heroes just in case, even if it isn't on par with your main

Kristina Marie Gallogly

You can always pick a character that you want to play and then switch later if necessary

Mary Gimenez

Learn more heroes before you regret it, the more you climb the leader by one-tricking, the lower chance you've to get as good with other heroes. That being said you can be a top 500 mercy one-trick and a silver-tier DPS/tan at the same time, you should try to get good with at least 1 hero in every category.

William Knox

Practice other heroes. Not in competitive. There are like 6 other game modes where you can practice other herowa

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