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PS4 Okay, so due to depression, I haven't played in a while. Today, I turned my console...

  • Thread starter Aramis Ciel Williams
  • Start date

Aramis Ciel Williams

Okay, so due to depression, I haven't played in a while. Today, I turned my console on, updated, and tried to play my Primitive Plus Center save, single player. But now it says I have to be Gamma to play it? What the heck? What's Gamma, and does it mean that I have to pay for a PS Plus account to play on the Center again?

Max Dotzler

Just ascend

Thomas Cole

Gamma is getting the gamma broodmother trophy, gamma dragon and gamma gorilla trophys then going through the tek cave(in the volcano) on The Island and ascending to Gamma status. This in turn unlocks the Centre map.

Alex Beia

Get your admin menu up and type admincheat playercommand Ascend2 :)

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