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Okay, recently joined ow, planning to main Pharah, D. Va and/or Moira... any tips? :)


Charlene Reyes

Okay, recently joined ow, planning to main Pharah, D. Va and/or Moira... any tips? :)

Michael Arverus

In order to be more evasive in the air as Pharah, you gotta let yourself fall once in awhile
Especially when you see an enemy widow
Your best bet is to stop flying and try to somehow sneak up on her
Also you're usually the primary focus of dps players and turrets unfortunately

Jordan Chase

As moira. Don't over DPS. You're still a healer and can heal a tad bit more than mercy. She's a great hero. But you still have a team to help. Don't get greedy.

Jan de Santa

I was pharah main before i mained cree. Put ur E ability on the right click and hover with space, learn the projectile speed so u can hit things and whenever you see hitscans or so, you can rightclick on any wall or ground and after that just shift so youre flying pretty fast. There are much things u can do with that bounce, combine with ult and never fly in the full open area, always fly behind walls left and right. Watch some videos on youtube for more tricks

Jake Powers

Save your shift move on Moira for escaping pesky dps or when cornered by a Reinhardt, get height advantage with her when attacking if possible and her damage orb works very well in rooms where it can keep bouncing back and forth. Other than that stick to your tank!

Elliott Crampton

Pharah try and predict where the enemy is going remember to attack from unpredictable places and dont hover predictably try and strafe in the air so your a harder target to hit. Check out valkia on twitch and youtube for amazing videos on how to play pharah. Prioritise the enemy back line and also try and get in the face of your counters but you'll have to be quick,

Abhishek Kumar

Always stay in the air unless you see a Soldier or a Mcree or Widow.

Stefan Domunco

1. Find a Mercy main to do Pharmercy. 2. Learn to kill people in mid-air so they cant react. I dont have any tips at the moment

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