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PC Okay now I am really curious. I have searched through everything I can find on forms...


Kerry J Nelson

Okay now I am really curious. I have searched through everything I can find on forms and twitter, and facebook. What causes this all the time outs? What do you check? What do you do to fix this problem because I now realize this problem has been going on since 2014 or so and its not documented on any FAQ, there is no guides to fixing this that I can find so tell me. What do you do when this happens? I am find with even writing up the article and putting it on the wiki page but I want to know from you out there in the community how do you fix this problem?

What do you check? what do you know that causes this? I have read in an old form that this guy adjusted his network settings supposedly fixed the issue. Do you know if this works?

As I said I would love to hear your answers for this.

Brendan Little

I get that a lot too. Havent found a solution yet. Sucks when your flying over a mean area and then all of the sudden you timeout. Then proceed to die. It sucks.

Brandon Blackmer

It's your internet

John Collins

Not your internet i get 100mb and it does it to me.

John Ian Mansfield

Im on 200mb down and still get it randomly

Miguel Tamayo

There is a lot of duping going on right now. A lot of people are crashing servers to dupe shit. That's why a lot of tribes are being dev wiped right now. If your server crash constantly send a report. Check the ping on your server how it changes throughout the day. Hopefully new servers will prevent this.

Shaun McDonald

Is it official or modded? Mods cause it more for me on my servers I rent. More mods=More loading= More chances for something to go wrong... It's my theory no facts behind it but I can say it is true on my servers.

Kerry J Nelson

official servers mostly first lets figure that out and what causes it and then note what needs to be dealt with for modded.

Shaun McDonald

I'll back out I only played official on xb1 but had the same issues and could never figure it out...

Kerry J Nelson

even if its Xbox still would be useful to see what you have tried :)

Ryan Stevens

It's a common problem. Been happening for a long time. The server still thinks you are connected. You need someone ingame (admin if possible to kill you) and you should be right. If it's PvP get someone to pick you up and put you into the ocean. I had this happen often on my two servers

Sean Stacey

There is a problem with the menu interface. The drop menu for Official, unofficial, my survivors, etc. go to the top and type in your server number and it should load fine from there.

Fred McClung

From what I've seen when experiencing the same problem, and doing research on my own, it has to do with your Internet latency you could have a 1gb upload and download, but if you have slow latency your connection will still be shit, ark is a game that basically solely relies on your internets latency
here's a video to help better understand, and after you have idea of what your Internets latency is, if it's too slow, there are videos to fix that. I hope this has helped

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