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Ok you techsperts. I'm still on Windows 7 64bit. I tried Windows 10 but can't use it...


Rob Mckee

Ok you techsperts. I'm still on Windows 7 64bit. I tried Windows 10 but can't use it due to random and frequent BSOD IRQL LESS OR NOT EQUAL. I never solved it... just found this article... (see pic) do you think this was caused by the security problem recently patched??

Philip Graham

I found this was some corrupt windows drivers files that were handling some network stuff. I did a total re-install and it stopped happening. Interestingly, I also initially did the upgrade from windows 7 to 10 initially. I wonder if you might have more luck just doing a full install of windows 10 from scratch rather than going the upgrade route.

Ville-Waltteri Herrala

This error prompt was one of my regular BSODs, after I upgraded to Ryzen. Turned out even though my CPU, memory and system overall passed all of the tests, what helped was reseating all of the RAM modules. Really a rookie solution, but hey, it helped. No more BSODs.

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