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Xbox One Ok so to cut the monotony and have some "fun". Lets breakdown the opening of the new...


Ashley Story Hagl

Ok so to cut the monotony and have some "fun". Lets breakdown the opening of the new trailer shall we? The opening scene is a hall way with 2 "portals" leading to what appear to be the megapethicus and broodmother arenas (mega on left brood on right) next shot is not (imo) the endgame boss but a station where they make the creatures of the various ARKs. The creature appears to be a dunk upon closer inspection (note the broke DNA hologram on the left). The last part I have no clue unless the somehow managed to blackmail Disney into allowing them droids in ARK and we all become Jedi and live happily ever. The globe is a bit trickier. We can clearly see Australia and what appears to be parts of Japan but nothing behind that. That leads me to think this is a future time where the world was destroyed either by the alien overlords or us. Why do the droids stop you if the whole point is to ascend? Thoughts folks?

Ashley Story Hagl

*side note* the globe scene appears before the droids. My apologies for the incorrect placement.

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