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oi guys COD WWII related post. why i am seeing people complaining about activision...


Anas A Salih

oi guys
COD WWII related post.
why i am seeing people complaining about activision servers and say "activision buy servers bla bla bla"
just because they have high ping !!

don't they know that :
activision doesn't really hosting servers.. the game actually hosted on one of the players.
the hosting idea is players in each region host games for each other so everyone is getting low nice ping.
but wait then why we are getting high ping :
that because the game is searching for games in your region and doesn't find any so it widening the search and you end up playing with foreign country like japan or Europe depending on the nearest location to you that happen to have a game hosted.
this way of hosting is actually brilliant, and i love it.

शशांक पटेल

So it's a peer to peer connection
In a PvP game!

Do you know how stupid this is!
What is the host has a shitty Internet, I play Warframe a lot which uses a similar system even tho the game is based around farming stuff, it gets annoying when host has a bad internet and that is just PvE

One reason for failure of For Honor was this stupid P2P based games!

Anas A Salih

they will not make servers in each country, countries like mine we are getting better experience and very low ping we didn't dream of.
we suffered enough in BO3 all servers was hosted in america and germany other players always had advantage over us.
in my point of view its great.

Jordan Nelson

Don't play COD, simple as that

Arvind Sagar

Depends who you ask, to me its quite bad as if i suffer you might be at an advantage. I can skip my suffering to an extent by getting a better connection but how many times will i change my network for an optimized route ? Today it might be some nearby indian whom i get paired against tomorrow it might be some singaporean and this unevenness will trouble other players as well . For those hosting ,this is golden as they get great pings all time and also an advantage . The country by country hosted servers atleast let you know which country you are connecting to so you can get a vpn connection or networks like haste for that country set up quickly and ready to go in. In comparison, p2p is a hit or miss everytime and the server hosting is either a hit or miss forever. If you dont wantto be troubled everytime by a connection is made p2p is not the way to go, it ruins mood and quick squad parties. If you want to just go into the quantum state then yea p2p is good .

Ryan William Ellis


Matthew Reed

Not server ping the issue it's VAC and hackers have populated the game already

Keevyn Mohammed

sounds like shit to me

Mike Powers

It just crashed for me at match making

Mike Powers

on my 24 pc's that i've tried it on

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