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Off topic , delete if not allowed , but would like opinions —- For those of you who...


Ashley Stockman

Off topic , delete if not allowed , but would like opinions —-

For those of you who also play Xbox or PlayStation which do you prefer as someone who is also a Nintendo console fan? And why?
Currently I have a Xbox but I grew up with my SNES and ps1 and miss my PlayStation world!!!
I dunno if I should trade in my Xbox and get a PS4 or not
Also , related, Xbox game suggestions? Drop em bellow!!!

Robert Maggio

Definitely PlayStation. You have games like ratchet and clank. You also have the crash n sanity remake. You have horizon zero Dawn, uncharted and the last of us. There are a lot of remasters available as well. Not to mention tons of JRPGs if you like them. Xbox all you have is Halo, gears and cuphead. The exclusives for Sony are just so much better.

Jonathan Loera

You do you.
Most Xbox One games can be bought on the windows store via PC but xB-one can play a variety of old Xbox games now. It’s not necessary to switch if you own the majority of PlayStation games that are cross platform.
My set up is PC/PS4/Nintendo Console, it’s a nice balance between games overall.
And suggesting a Xbox game? ReCore perhaps? Or Killer Instinct.

Tyler Magee

I enjoy my PS4 more than my Xbox. I prefer the sleek menus of the PS4 and even though there are some advertisements they're way more subtle than the ones on Xbox live.

In terms of games I tend to largely stick to ones that appear on most of the consoles anyway so I don't have a preference for their exclusives.

Christian Yu

I highly prefer PS4. Just because of the games, it has a way better library than xbox imo

Ashley Stockman

Thank you all so much for he input - definitely verifying the direction I’ve been leaning.

Rafael Minaya

PS4. The exclusive games on the playstation tower over the exclusives xbox bring to the table in my opinion. It's honestly the main reason I went from an Xbox 360 to a PS4 instead of an Xbox One

Robin Jerome

I own a PS4, Switch, and XBO. I like them in that order.

I prefer the PS4s exclusives to XBOs. I feel Sony exclusives are more centered on single player experiences and story telling.

When it comes to Microsoft exclusives, you can also buy them on a PC and don't necessarily need a XBO.

In terms of Interface and User-friendlyness, I still prefer the PS4. The XBO is full of Windows 10 boxes and slides. If you're into that, cool, but I'm certainly not.

I literally had to dust off my XBO and Controller when Cuphead was released, that's how little I use the thing. The exclusives are very lacking, the console is slow in comparison..but the backwards compatibility is a nice plus side.

Ashley Stockman

Looks like my XBO may get packed up and traded in tomorrow

Hadi Younes

I used to prefer sony over micro since long systems are the most popular here since ps1 so we grown up with sony...nintendo used to be my no1 company then I shifted to pc because I need it for different reasons(not just gaming)and I can't buy to platforms so I missed 2 gens the 6th and for current gen playstation is way better in every thing specially exclusives...micro ruined the xbox as a console since they decided to bring all the exclusives availble on windows so no one need xbox then they start to destroy their exclusives even the major titles like fable ....theu focus more on how to make money instead of make games that make money...while both nintendo(with the switch and 3ds) &sony focused more on making great gaming and enjoyable great gameplay mixed with great potential for the console (nintendo),great stories with cinematic themed from both west and east devs (sony)....

Kevin Bell

I have an xb1, a Switch, and a PS4. The only reason I ever play my PS4 is for a random exclusive, otherwise it kinda just sits there. I prefer the online community for the Xbox over the PlayStation, and I prefer more Nintendo exclusives over Sony’s. PS4 is a distant third for me that I wouldn’t have were it not for Persona and Dissidia.

Augustine Vega

I used to play a lot of Xbox. I hated the Xbox One's menu system though. I'm going to be picking up a PS4 soon so I can play MHW with my friends since they all have a PS4.

Marlene Yosten

I use the Xbox One more than the Ps4 but that’s probably because my kids are always hogging it.

Marisa Smith

With everything it is about the game, for me. The only thing is I prefer to play FPS on PC, it is far easier for me to control things with a mouse. Frankly, I spend the majority of my time playing through my retro collection (mostly SNES), but if I want a JRPG, I buy Sony. If I want racing or popular games, I buy Xbox, if I want a FPS, then I buy PC. Switch is my main console for indies now, and it gives me the portability that the others don’t. But it’s apples and oranges for comparing consoles/PC. Each is useful in their own way, and as always, it’s only ever about what you want to play.

Anthony Castro

I am an owner of an Xbox One, PS4, Switch, and PC. Honestly, out of all of those I play on Xbox One the most. And it's because of one game: Overwatch. I own Overwatch on PS4 and PC as well, but I enjoy Xbox Live with friends and family and the controller is wonderful for the game. Most would say PC gives you the best control...And it does make aiming more accurate with a mouse...But the game feels different on PC. It's less "video game-ish" and I'm not on the couch when I'm on PC. PS4 is mainly for fighters. Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition is what I play on Sony's console. Dragon Ball Fighter Z will be next. That controller is best suited for fighters. On PC I play PUBG, which has taken the gaming world by storm. And most of my friends love the PC platform, so I had a rig built late last year to game with them.

Ashley Stockman

So update: I ended up with a ps3 and PS4 ... and I’m going to bust out my ps2 in the near future ... oh my my BF ended up with the Xbox one x

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