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New question. Why do you think bronze and silver players are the ranks they are?...


Robert Ellison

New question.

Why do you think bronze and silver players are the ranks they are?

Hero choice, forcing the meta when they aren't good at it, in-game settings, hardware, lack of skill, lack of knowledge, etc?

Carlos Rangel


Kyle Jones

I agree

Robert Ellison

I more of meant like what specifically do you think but I get that trolling is fun too :^)

Patricio E Gandara

im silver because i only play the 10 clasificatories from each season, started platinum T.T

Joop Jones

Haven't figured out how to carry

Timothy Fletcher Baer

I'm silver because I solo queue at the same time all the 12 year olds get out of school. :)

Cody Rock

Everyone in plat and below is a dps main. (joking.. But 85% are..) everyone thinks their dps will win them the game.

So.... Find a good support /tank and duo with them. So you'll have at least one competent person at those roles. People in those ranks don't know how the game is supposed to be played.
I. E. Ult combos, not tricking, knowing when a fight is lost to kill yourself, not spamming damage when you have ult just feeding their supports... And mainly when you tell them they did X, Y, or Z wrong they tilt. They normally think they're better than they are.

Ashley Demyan

They play who they want to play no matter the situation or counters, pop ults as soon as they get them or never get them, and just have generally bad map awareness (ex: hears reaper teleport behind them but doesn’t even turn around then dies from his ult)

Aleida Niamh McCluskey

Idk about other people but for me it’s 2 reasons: 1) (the main reason) is I’m not very good. Or should I say, I’m quite inconsistent. I can have an amazing game one game and then get like 1 kill the next. Part of this is due to nerve damage in my arm so my aim isn’t always the best. 2) I play on an old laptop not built for gaming. I mean I could have just stopped on “I play on an old laptop”.

I know I could be better if I wanted to be, but honestly I do my 10 ranking matches and that’s it. I’d much rather put my time into becoming better at raiding in WoW

Dylan Lais

Honestly, imo, it's poor positioning, refusal to switch when things aren't working, and people playing characters they aren't good at but think they are. (30% accuracy instalock hanzo/widow/mcree, I'm looking at you)

Dusty Crow

My girls missing 3 fingers gets anxious in fast paced situations and panics. She's high silver

Will Narramore

I don't honestly understand what's wrong with my gameplay. When I'm playing Ana my % accuracy is 70%+ scoped and unscoped, I routinely outheal anyone else who isn't a Mercy, and my opponents slept per match almost always breaks double digits.
Similar story with my native class (tanks). 40% average energy with Zarya, I'm not stingy with my barriers and I can land a decent Graviton Surge consistently. 60% hook accuracy with Roadie. I shield and cover my team well with Rein and Orisa (although to be fair I'm not a great shot with Orisa's gun). I'm not confident with dive tanks tho so there's that.
Is it my inability to play almost any DPS hero that's letting me down? I didn't think that low-to-mid Silver needed another S76 or Reaper main out there, someone's gotta heal and shield so it may as well be someone who's good at it!
I... just don't get it.

Jack Bowden

Bad teamwork loses 99% of matches, in those low ranks just grouping up properly and good callouts can win

Cece Gutiérrez

No flexible enough.

Colin Taylor

They're in bronze silver and even gold because they have bad positioning and don't know how to be consistent

Vynyl Shiro

Well, I've carried a friend out of Bronze. All they need to do is stop charging in alone when they're tanks, actually kill shit as DPS, and as healers, not pocket just one player. I was able to solo heal as Zen and I killed everything. Then again...I'm a high-platinum-that-just-can't-hit-Diamond-Because-at-2750-I-drop-back-to-2500-because-I-suck.

Dani Whiterabbit

Poor mechanical skill for me. I'm very inconsistent with my aim, and I have a tendency to hyperfocus.

Johnry Zhao

for me its a case of nerves when i hit 1900

Revan Renaldi

In my experience, silvers have terrible positioning and aim. They also trickle a lot

Also, they try to force metas they don't even know. Like back in season 3 when triple tank was meta, silvers want triple tank, whatever those 3 tanks were and who the healers were don't matter when actually, the 3 tanks the pros use were rein dva hog with ana lucio as healers. And when I smurfed in bronze, some guy said "lets play dive comp" when I asked back "do you even know how to play dive comp?" He answered "no". So yeah, work on that

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