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New Overwatch Update Out Now, Adds New Skins And Blizzard World Map


Staff member
As promised, Blizzard has released the next big update for
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. Players on
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can now jump into the game's newest map, the unique
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, and get their hands on a ton of new cosmetics--including a variety of skins.

Blizzard World takes the form of an amusement park based on Blizzard's franchises (outside of Overwatch, because that would be weird). There are areas dedicated to Diablo, Warcraft, and StarCraft, with plenty of nods and references for long-time fans of those series. It's a hybrid map, tasking players with escorting or defending a payload as it makes its way through the park.

In terms of cosmetics, there's a wide range available, including
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(some of which are Legendary),
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, highlight intros, and emotes. Blizzard has been teasing these in the days prior to release; you can see some in the video below or check out
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in our gallery.

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What's especially notable about the new items is that none of them are tied to an event, as is typically the case. There's no time-limited loot box that these are available through; instead, they've simply been added to the base loot box, meaning you can get your hands on them at any time.

This update is rolling out now on all platforms, so you may have some issues getting online as the process is completed. It's just one of
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we know are on the way, as a Lunar New Year event is also set to take place again this year, and both the Uprising and Anniversary events will return. It's also not too late to pick up the new Overwatch League skins--of which there are quite a few--and Blizzard has plans to further tweak Competitive Play. New maps and heroes (at least one of which is already in testing) are also in the works, though we don't know exactly when to expect those to launch.

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