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Xbox One My husband and I started a new server on Rag a few days ago. For now, it's a small...

  • Thread starter Ericka Jean O'Neal Bradley
  • Start date

Ericka Jean O'Neal Bradley

My husband and I started a new server on Rag a few days ago. For now, it's a small server (10 slots)
We still have a lot of tweaking to do for stats, because some are too high, and some seem too low.
If anyone wants to screw around for a few on our server and give me some feedback, that would be cool.
Ark 985

Devin MacNeil Trivett

What kind of feel are you going for?
Something closer to official where it's survival orientated? Something super boosted so you can just focus on the adventure aspect or building. etc.?

Personally I recommend changing the settings slowly, and probably boosting taming a little as you can wait hours for a really high level dino.

Ericka Jean O'Neal Bradley

Really we just screw around and don't like it to take more then a few hours to build up.

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