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My Cluttered 6 Core RX 470 Tri Monitor Work / Battlestation, (CPU burned out...


Shayne G. Brown

My Cluttered 6 Core RX 470 Tri Monitor Work / Battlestation, (CPU burned out suprisingly so I ordered a new 6 Core FX Black edition and a liquid cooler for extreme overclocking haha)

Joseph DiMarco

Fx series with ryzen out? :/

Shayne G. Brown

yeah I would have gone with Ryzen but I did not feel like shelling out a lot of cash for a whole new system. Plus I already ordered the Mainboard because I thought it burned out first. It took me taking my server CPU to finally figure out the CPU was toast. Good thing is I can get a really expensive FX chip which is just fine I had a good quad core 4350 before and it was great. it was a 4.2Ghz chip natively and I bouught it new. I will get a Ryzen system once the prices drop down a bit. I got burned buying a day one XB1 so I have stopped buying things when they are right out of the gate.

Matthew Gierut

Nice wallpaper

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