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Xbox One **Map Ragnarok** **GT GormansARK** **Subreddit...


Joseph Pugh

**Map Ragnarok**

**GT GormansARK**

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Check out the original objective based pvp server, slightly boosted and heavily balanced for fun pvp. Tribes complete objectives and hold land to earn points to buy from the store. Check out the subreddit for all the details.

Settings are lightly boosted, max dino wild dino level is 70, everything is tweaked for balance and will be tweaked more going forward. Offline raid protection is on and has a 10 minute timer. Points earned will transfer to the new server rental when available but NOT aberration. Breeding is high enough to raise a wyvern, but mating interval is increased.

Tribes hold land and complete objectives to earn points to spend in the store, to hold a land objective you need at least a 3x3 complete building. If a piece of land can hold more than one tribe they both may claim it, destroying an enemy's land claim on your own land grants double the points. To destroy a land claim you must destroy at least half of the structures.

Max wild dino level 70

Gather 2x

Taming 2x

Xp 2x

Breed and hatch 10, interval is up to compensate for balance

Weight slightly boosted

Dino weight and stamina slightly boosted.

Egg lay slightly faster

Orp enabled

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