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Looking to expand my tank pool seeing as in Silver/Gold there doesn't seem to be many...


Michael Bates

Looking to expand my tank pool seeing as in Silver/Gold there doesn't seem to be many tank mains, any advice for learning Winston and Orisa?

Davey Anthony

I am a rein/winston god. I have 1,000 hours on rein and a 70% win rate on winston. Just be very aggressive on the squishies and it will all come to you like a puzzle. You will learn a lot.

Davey Anthony

When in doubt with winston, just jump away again back to your team. but you are to disrupt the backline, that is your job. That and you can kill any squishy within about 2-3 seconds

Davey Anthony

a full health rein will always kill an ulting genji so stay by your supports when he ults and just swing. Swing and turn 180 it will do a 360 hammer spin.

Bailey Evans

Pretty much what Davey said.
If you can abuse the squishiest as Winston your team should pretty much be guaranteed the win.
You just need to when to jump and and when to jump out.
Also, make use of your bubble. Don’t just jump in and place it, wait until you take some damage, manoeuvre around the shield wall to reduce the damage more.

Good luck buddy!
I play a lot of Winston I’m Diamond (I know it’s not the highest but it’s where I belong)

Alaa Yassine

When jumping on a widow make sure you turn around mid jump so that your back is facing the widow so she wont be able to headshot you before you get to her.

Mathieu Berger-Latour

When you’re jumping on someone with Winston, always Melee right before you hit the ground. There will be animation cancel but the Melee damage will still apply and it’ll stack with the Jet jump damage

Adam Bahadur

In silver and gold you dont need to worry too much about being headshotted. The only thing that you should be aware of is line of sight, Can your healer see you ... When jumping in try and land on them and punch at the same time, You will knock a lot of health from a dps. When jumping a tank, Its more effective to fire electricity then punch back and fourth. Also be careful when jumping, Last thing you need to is to dive into a reaper or hog so make sure every attack is a coordinated attack.

Davey Anthony

When you dive a widow or ana, place the shield in midair while you are diving, this will prevent you from getting headshot or slept.

Davey Anthony

and yea what Mathieu Berger-Latour said, always melee when you jump on someone, just free dmg for you.

Davey Anthony

Avoid bastions at all costs, you just feed him, switch if he is really good or if your team cant take care of him

Julia Berntsson

All I have to say; do not think that Orisas fortify amplifies your damage. That's what I thought for way to long. Yes, i know, it's embarrasing.

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