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PC Looking for an active clan, that uses Discord, I have a headset, not sure how to use...

  • Thread starter Thomas TrainWrek Scheiern
  • Start date

Thomas TrainWrek Scheiern

Looking for an active clan, that uses Discord, I have a headset, not sure how to use in the game, US Based, Central Time zone, I can raid after 6 p.m., I pvp some.
Titan - 276 - Sunbreaker
Warlock - 244 - Voidwalker

I'd like to complete Leviathan, Nightfalls, and Trials

Battle ID - Tr41nwr3k#1971

Tim To

Dread Nova Mercenaries Recruiting Active Players! We are all casual Friendly and Helpful players Still new but got some exp raiding and such lets learn together? Check us out

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We Also Have A Discord! Feel Free To Hop In And Chit Chat!

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Luc-Eric Proulx

Check out our #Destiny2 clan!
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80 members
Voice chat
Lvl 6 !
NA Clan

Hit us up

Cory Winchester

I'm in an active clan that uses Teamspeak, its like discord but better. In fact my clan is on now all talking to each other.

Clan name Covfefe's Chosen

Ruben Mendoza

If you're looking to join a clan we'd be glad to have you :) open membership currently and we have a discord setup. We're growing right now at a steady pace nearing 30 active members and about to hit level 4
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Trevor James Laducer

Hey man you still looking? If so I’ll add you when I get home. We have an active discord and raid every Sunday,

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