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Xbox One Looking for a center server with u limited weight and fast breeding/taming


Brenna Michelle

Looking for a center server with u limited weight and fast breeding/taming

Jimenez C Jacob

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Center is only a week old!

Nathan Dunn

PvP Wiped last night. ALL 5 Maps. Active community.
Search Team6ix under the “Unofficial PC Sessions” filter and they will all pop up.
More info at our community site.
5 PvP and 5 PvE Servers
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Zach Davis

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James Smith

Everything above. Full PVP, no admin, no rules. 4 Players per tribe.

Whitney Forsberg

Saints and Shadows Cluster

Ashley Rex Stevenson

Saints and shadows best cluster going check us out on fb

Wade L Maraj

Check out my sever on unofficial pc, map is the center.
3x taming and very fast breeding

Wade L Maraj

Type in noob under search

Andrew Curtis

Looking for a fun super boosted server? Where you can build up within an hour or so and play. Join our Facebook page at INSTANT-TEKPVP. We have a 5 map cluster☺☺
SE- 10 slot Fresh
ABB- 20 Slot
Island- 20 slot
Center- 32 slot
Rag-32 slot

We normally fill severs on the weekends.
Super boosted custom drops
Instant tame
Super fast mating everything a giga only takes 2 hours!!
40x gathering
There is a dino shop.
Our only rules is no glitch bases or glitch raiding.
There is only one admin, so bear with me.
We out slowly build a great community 240+ people on our Facebook page.
PM me for more details
happy Arking

William Kaye

You're welcome to come check out the cluster my friends and I play on.

Populated: check
Admin logging: check
Longterm cluster: check
Balanced stats: check
Admin activity: Nope!
Pay-to-win: Nope!

Search "thirst" in unofficial pc sessions. Weekend structure damage. No orp. Xp x4, gath/pickup of x7.5, taming x6, inc x25, mature x8, tribe limit 10, tame limit 350, turret limit 400, max player lvl 150. Unlimited mindwipes enabled. Boosted dino weight, speed, and stam.

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Jma Chiazzese

Evil Empire Brand new just started completely fresh full pvp cluster island ragnorock center maps. only rules are no under mapping no building in glitch spots no blocking artifacts. We're looking for serious PVP players NO WHINING or crying. Insta level 300 MAX wild dino level 150 with 150 levels added after tamed abberation dinos spawning on ragnorock CUSTOM DROPS and 4x BOOSTED regular drops TONS of great stuff in our drops 28 stone pick up nearly infinite weight high imprinting 1xs cave damage orp is off tribe cap is set to 20 players so bring your friends FREE DINO PAINTING FOR ALL we have community centers and stores current events are our BADASS PVP ARENA scavenger hunts fishing docks with supplied gear huge maze coming soon with more EVENTS COMING SOON all event winners will win crabs and rock drakes all painted and max level the store will be selling bps with requests considered this is a very low admin interaction cluster join (Evil Empire) for more info on the servers and to join our community join our Facebook group page (Evil Empire)

Robert Betz

Looking for a new home? Come take a look at our community.
Legacy: an old Wildcard server that was taken down with their
bases to raid and loot.
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