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PS4 Lol purlex got call out by this guy jade games


Randall Irvin

Lol purlex got call out by this guy jade games

Kyle Elrod

Yet there are pc rented servers and player dedicated servers up with plenty of room
People think offical is the best when player ded and PC rented are just as good and can provide a better experience over all with some having whole community dedicated to the server with Facebook groups ps4 communitys ext. People just need to check out the other options not thing offical me and offical and it's the only thing that counts
You .ca do all and more then on offical on pc rented and player dedicated

Amanda Sinclair

I don't like investing my time into servers where people can abuse their power or it can just disappear later. At least official stays up for yrs at a time. Player dedicated is a risk. If I had more time I probably would. Pve official is what works with my schedule.

Kyle Elrod

I play PvP so offical is cancer with tribes trying to tell you you can't tame this or that or have turrets and can't have allies can't have this many tribe mates ext.

Gavin Finneran

It don't matter what you play - if it's not official server gtfo your practicing- simple

Kyle Elrod

Lol your practicing lmao

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