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Lets talk about Mercy Probably the most high skill cap hero in the game, fuck in any...


Justt Matthew

Lets talk about Mercy

Probably the most high skill cap hero in the game, fuck in any game. The mains of this insanely hard hero make top level Fox mains in Melee, SKT T1 Faker and Ninja Gaiden Speedrunners look like a joke. You have to pay attention to not just the enemy team, but yourself! That's 12 people you need to keep track of at ALL TIMES that's crazy. You have to make sure you're teammates are always on your screen to perform the basic functions of your hero, that's a whole new level of micromanagement! You have to constantly be choosing between healing and damage boosted, no other hero has to be constantly making little decisions at all times, all of which could cost you the entire game. Mercy is a squishy hero, so your positioning has to be on point at all times, you have to constantly be watching for pesky flankers and snipers who can kill you before your self-heal kicks in, that 1 second is make or break. But most of all, her ult is highest skill move in any game. Probably the most skilful thing in the world in fact. The sheer game sense and map knowledge needed to hide in just the right spot. The awareness to know when to pilot Mercy, a squishy healer into danger. The pinpoint accuracy and spatial awareness needed to ensure your finger hits the Q key. This is a new bar in difficulty for video games, and pioneering game design.

But what makes Mercy even harder is that, unlike other heroes, it's not just one player impacting the game as Mercy, it's six. You need to co-ordinate and communicate with your teammates to protect you at all times since you are so squishy and easy to kill with the high cooldowns on your dash and self-heal, all while quelling the Genji and Tracer spamming need healing while knee-deep in the enemy team. You need to ensure your Pharah can press space, L-Shift and Left Click to truly maximise Mercy's impact.

The pinnacle of game design and the most well designed anything, Angela 'Mercy' Ziegler.

Sergio Villa García


Sergio Villa García

Ur right

Olive Perry


Christian Lockwood


MacKenzie Rae

I thought we were done shitting on Mercy because she's been nerfed into the ground. Gtfoh with that sheeeiit.

Loo Sarango


Oliver Louise

You are absolutely right, you made my day, I wanna be Mercy main again

Antonio Neto

Yesss yess let the confused people that dont realize this is bait comment

Josefin de la Motte

putting that much effort into something so pointless.... are you ok?

Mike Copersito

Where is the admin that let this post through?

Dhanj Narasimhan


Dhanj Narasimhan

Best copypasta ever ty

Zach Johnson

Lets talk about Mercy

Probably the most high skill cap hero in the game, fuck in any game. The mains of this insanely hard hero make top level Fox mains in Melee, SKT T1 Faker and Ninja Gaiden Speedrunners look like a joke. You have to pay attention to not just the enemy team, but yourself! That's 12 people you need to keep track of at ALL TIMES that's crazy. You have to make sure you're teammates are always on your screen to perform the basic functions of your hero, that's a whole new level of micromanagement! You have to constantly be choosing between healing and damage boosted, no other hero has to be constantly making little decisions at all times, all of which could cost you the entire game. Mercy is a squishy hero, so your positioning has to be on point at all times, you have to constantly be watching for pesky flankers and snipers who can kill you before your self-heal kicks in, that 1 second is make or break. But most of all, her ult is highest skill move in any game. Probably the most skilful thing in the world in fact. The sheer game sense and map knowledge needed to hide in just the right spot. The awareness to know when to pilot Mercy, a squishy healer into danger. The pinpoint accuracy and spatial awareness needed to ensure your finger hits the Q key. This is a new bar in difficulty for video games, and pioneering game design.

But what makes Mercy even harder is that, unlike other heroes, it's not just one player impacting the game as Mercy, it's six. You need to co-ordinate and communicate with your teammates to protect you at all times since you are so squishy and easy to kill with the high cooldowns on your dash and self-heal, all while quelling the Genji and Tracer spamming need healing while knee-deep in the enemy team. You need to ensure your Pharah can press space, L-Shift and Left Click to truly maximise Mercy's impact.

The pinnacle of game design and the most well designed anything, Angela 'Mercy' Ziegler.

Joshua Lee


Phineas Ferb

Go moira or lucio bruh

Julia Paterson

Aaron Chan

Brent Hazelton


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