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Last night I played a comp game and I got this duo of little kids on my team. The duo...


Adam Ricks

Last night I played a comp game and I got this duo of little kids on my team. The duo both pick tanks, and we've got an ana, Lucio, and hanzo, so I pick doomfist, because I've been practicing a lot with him and I'm actually not bad. Immediately this kid comes on to the voice chat saying "why do we have a hanzo and a doomfist, man I hate throwers, guys we need a mercy" and pretty much just doesnt shut up about it the entire match. It was attack on watchpoint and I actually got a few picks with doomfist but I switched to junkrat pretty quick because I was getting countered by an orisa/bastion combo. Oh yeah, and this kid spent the entire match telling our ana to boost him because he had ult... With D.Va. anyway second round comes up and our ana picks torb. The annoying kid comes on pretty much saying the same shit about torb that he was saying about me and our hanzo(who was getting picks and doing a decent job the first round, btw) so I picked ana. Of course he spends the round bugging me about boosts, still playing D.Va. So I pretty much just used my boost on the torb every time I got it and we ended up carrying the match and winning(the duo was absolutely terrible. Well really just the D.Va, the other kid who wasn't talking as much was playing rein and soldier and wasn't doing too terrible) afterwards the kid was like "man I don't know how we won that" so I finally turned my mic on and said "cause me and torb carried your heavy ass, will you shut up about team composition now?" He went dead silent for the first time the entire match and then right before I left "too bad we couldn't get that hanzo to switch" some people just don't learn.

Any similar experiences with people being toxic about team composition?

Brandon Boyanton

Oh yea. Had 2 tanks 2 supports so I picked junkrat. Soon as I did the McCree got on Mic and started talking shit bad. He was watching me all match and every shot I missed he called out. Idk what people's deal is. I've been carried by junkrat and doomfist before so I let people play whatever unless they're bad

Patrick Jenkins

Playing Junkrat yesterday had the enemey Hanzo talking mad shit. He was in chat the whole match. Then he swapped to Junk and I owned him even more lol and of course next match I go against him and another guy from the previous match. Both talking shit so I switched to Zen and wrecked both while they were ulting back to back lol. Glorious moment

Brett Thielemier

He was right about the Hanzo tbh

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