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(Keep in mind there's no salt here, my friends I've just been scrolling through the...

  • Thread starter Brandon Sarratt
  • Start date

Brandon Sarratt

(Keep in mind there's no salt here, my friends I've just been scrolling through the group and I just wanted to make a blanket post.)

[Tank] - Forcefully demand space for your team to move through.

[DPS] - Play "clean up" as your Tanks force enemies out of position.

[Support] - Keep team alive during teamfights so you can continue pushing.

Mercy mains have bitched THE MOST out of any support main, keep in mind all of the supports had at some time or another been nerfed out viability, (RIP Ana during dive meta) but Mercy has, since launch never seen any major change up until her first rework and she's not even bad. She gets hella reward just for doing normal healer stuff and even gets POTG on the regular! Unless you pop off as Zenny or get some juicy boops as Lucio, don't ever expect POTG as a support. Blizzard has actively gone out of their way to keep Mercy viable in this game. The same can't be said for other characters. (Doom, Mei, etc). You know what you do when the character you're playing doesn't work well with the current meta or your team's comp? You. Switch. To. A. Different. Character.

I hate hearing it because it's such a shallow excuse of advice but:

Mercy mains, git gud. There's more ways to heal than just one-tricking the Angel Staff

No matter what role you play, you still have responsibilities to help your team, when one player underperforms the whole team underperforms. That being said it's never ok to shit on your teammates (unless they're ACTIVLEY throwing of course). If you see a player that is struggling throughout the them. If you're Genji keeps getting shat on by Pharah and you're playing a hitscan, that means it's YOUR duty to keep that Pharah off your team. If your Rein keeps losing his duels with the enemy Bastion who's hard pocketed by Mercy, then that means you need take a new approach.

When you get to the point in a match where your team is struggling to push, it means the enemy team has adapted.

OBJECTIVELY SPEAKING Gold medals don't mean jack shit if you're not making any progress. (There's some issues here between how Blizzard wants you to play the game vs. how it's actually played. i.e. it's time to kill off performance based SR.) I get why people get boners for gold medals but at the end of the day if you're not winning games, you're not ranking up, doesn't matter how "hard you carried your team". At some point we gotta stop blaming Blizz and start making the community more responsible. They definitely have their faults, but it's not all on them.

Edgar Solis

You forgot the king of all fucking loosers, Junkrat, ive seen more play of the game as junkrat.

Laeth Thomas

I disagree with this post. There's a lot of gray area and meta objectives within each character, role and objective.
The game isn't black and white.

Aziz Gharbi

Youssef Abdellatif XD

Tom Vandesmal

Oh shit I've seen this 10000 times already.

Mathieu Berger-Latour

Only a handful of people complaining about the triple Ana nerf. Why? Because she's a hardskilled hero and few people played her. Why do you think people complain about Mercy tho

Fabián Patricio Johnson Chiang

This is like the 99999999999999th repost of this shit.

Brandon Sarratt

Sorry if this has been posted hella times, I only lurk here on occasion so I probably missed a chunk of posts saying the same thing. My b

Panda Lau

Torb I'm done xD

Drake A. McCready

There have been times where Ive done legit triple and quadruple kills in action, looking real badass and losing potg to an ult. Id be more salty if there weren't highlight reels, but realistically, an ult should be diminished from potg if there was a large team kill without it.

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