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Just started practicing Moira (haven't really played much OW in the last few months)...


Jake Dwyer

Just started practicing Moira (haven't really played much OW in the last few months)

Any tips for a rookie Moira?
Bonus: didn't notice till just then I killed Rein mid charge.

Steven Hendrickson

Just kill people, only heal yourself by shooting an orb at the ground or walls in a room so your orb never stops healing you, your DPS per healing is higher than everyone if you do this.
PS: Your team will hate you, but your gold damage and elims will keep you comfy

Steven Hendrickson

Also, her range is ridiculous so you're able to pick off runners very easily using her regular attack

Christy Raasch

Use your orbs for damage only when your team is healed up. If you're not able to right click to cause damage on the other team they can starve you out of your healing abilities. If the other team has a Dva/Rein comp - play a different healer because Dva can eat your orbs and Rein can block your damage basically rendering you useless unless you're ulting ♥

Christy Raasch

P.S You can rock Pharah and Reaper because of your distance. Dva can't eat your primary attack and Genji can't reflect it. You basically can survive any 1v1 encounter

Simon Mezzomo

Inb4 nerc

Mandy McDonald

The biggest tip I can give is to pay attention to your positioning. Play around your enemies ideal range, know when to disengage from a fight, don’t panic fade(just position yourself close to escape options) etc and you’ll do great. Three other good tips I’ve picked up are, damage orbs 9/10 times give more value than healing orbs, you don’t need to hold down your healing spray unless absolutely necessary (you are a dot healer) and being able to position yourself to hit multiple teammates with your spray is critical, and last but not least you gain ult change extremely fast so you can use your ult pretty much when you get it rather than trying to save it since it’s great in many situations.

Another thing to take note is that maps with a lot of height are terrible for her. Gibraltar being the worst, so just be mindful of that.

Adam Senior

Or just don't orb dva , and orb rein causing him damage from behind ... If he turns take him, if he doesn't .... use fade and make him turn and move

Raihan Prihadi

If you wanna orb dva, throw it close to the ground or above her head. She'll awkwardly try to absorb it leaving her dm running short.

Or you can throw healing orb to that 10hp genji running alone in the enemy line instead

Cameron Lawry

if your asking for tips the presumably you want to get better the best way to do that is to play on pc but the best tip i can give to you is to remember that your healing orbs are better than damage ones most of the time

Jacob Williams

The heal orbs do amazing and a Moira mercy match up is unstoppable I like to flank ALOT with Moira and her range is OP I love it I'm just starting to play her also she is really fun

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