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Its my first loop and dont judge the cpu. Im too broke to do that now so im doing a...


Nick Shin

Its my first loop and dont judge the cpu. Im too broke to do that now so im doing a dual loop system later. Its been hard with such a short case, but i love a good challenge. Question i have is will these little bubbles ever come out of my res? I touched them with a little zip tie i had but that wouldve taken forever. Do i just wait? Thanks!


Sean Wilson

Just wait mate they wi disappear over time. Have you got rid of any air locks etc by tilting the case in all angles

Kevin Ware

Those little bubbles will eventually go away! I had thousands that bugged me but they’re gone now. :)

Özgün Kara

I thought of putting on a liquid cooler too, but I am hella afraid of it leaking

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