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Is the Steam Summer Sale the best time to get cheap games or is there cheaper times of...


Marco Pitzettu

Is the Steam Summer Sale the best time to get cheap games or is there cheaper times of the year? i.e Christmas or Black Friday? (idk if there is sales then because its my first time properly looking into PC gaming)
I'm stocking up so that when i have built my first PC, I will have some good games without breaking my bank.

Looking to get:
-Player Unkown's Battleground
-A couple of racing sims
-a few others that dont pop into mind right now

Michael Withington

Dual universe

Will Fournier

Pubg isn't on sale

Andrew Walker

Man I recommend you reconsider getting dayZ. I built a PC just cause of that game and quickly realized it's not what YouTube's make it out to be. Sure sometimes it can be alright but for 30 bucks I regretted purchasing real quick. It's still broken and shows no real promise anymore. The online community is shit and no real role playing exist unless you find a group to join online. It's pretty much a kill on sight game now. Might as well buy battlegrounds

Justin Ortega

Day z is cancer dude. Don't do that to yourself. Pubg I highly recommend though. And squad if you like tactical shooters with a bit of milsim thrown in. Doom cuz it's fucking Doom and I'm actually pleasantly surprised with mgs v right now.

Marco Pitzettu

PUBG is one of the games I'd happily pay full price for anyway.
Seen gameplay and it looks amazing!
Plus is the rumours true about a possible zombie dlc?

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