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Is it just me or has this season been the most toxic to date? I personally had 3...


Elysia Tucker

Is it just me or has this season been the most toxic to date? I personally had 3 placement matches where people quit and watched my husband and our friend play 3 separate matches where people quit out. Or I’ve had team just generally be and feed into the enemy one by one and do the dumbest things.

Esperanza Wood

It seems like the opposite for me. Only ran into one toxic person so far and he excused himself out the match real quick (thank God. We did better without him) other than that people have been co-operating pretty well

Elaine Weiss

Every match I’ve played, someone has quit.
and maybe 3/10 matches that I’ve started in have been canceled by 2+ people quitting.
The last game I played, we were incredibly close to the checkpoint with 3 minutes to spare and one of our guys quit and we lost. Lol.

Alaa Yassine

We had a game where we couldn't pass second point and someone left when it was our turn to defend in placements :/ i've held first point alot of times with symmetra but eh he just quit and cost us the game when it was still winnable.

Elysia Tucker

I lost NINE fuckin matches due to quitting out or straight feeding

Jamal Green

People say that every season

Mary Gimenez

My first match of the season had 4 quitters lol, 2 on my team and 2 on the enemy team, sadly ours left before so we sadly lost more team fights than we won (still it was fun as fuck). After that, I didn't get any other quitters during placements except for one match but good thing they left before it even started so it got canceled.

Samin Hossain

Firstly, coorelation doesn't equal causation, secondly this is prob the case in low ranked games, thirdly this is a really non toxic season, the report system works greatly and actually punishes people

Genji Shimada

Actually, There has been server issues going on right now and there was a quick maintenance last night, please be wary when going into comp. Also, as much as I know people do their best for placements, they really do not matter all that much. They are just there to either give you a boost of 100 SR or a minus of 100 SR depending on how you performed or put you 10sr more then where you started or less.

Espen Chai Wei Zhe

Do six stack then, round up all your reliable friends whenever u wanna play comp, it's safer that way

Sammy Bourgeois

To be fair, having teammates be shit is just part of the experience. But, play enough games, and as long as you're better than them, you'll be a higher rank than them. I'm very casual in Overwatch, but in Rocket League, for the longest time I was just frequently outgrowing teammates just because, well, I was just getting too good for certain ELOs and continuing to play with them would weight me down.

Yesenia Salazar

Tbh every season will be “ the most toxic yet” cause there will never not be that toxic person ‍♀

Elysia Tucker

I never said I placed badly so let me clarify that. I’m just saying it’s highly irritating. Regardless of the minimum affect of sr placement, ITS STILL ANNOYING AS HELL. this has been happening in medium gold up to almost platinum for me. Not bronze. Not silver

Alex Kirk

Its not been too bad for me this season tbh. I prefer solo queuing because I usually get paired with 2 and 3 stacks and I know they're not gonna throw (usually).

Alex Kirk

I did have one that threw because we had a Sombra though. Dude tried to justify it by saying "I'm a good Sombra" so trash dude said "I guess I'm a good Hanzo then".

Nihant Kansara

in my region toxicity is decreasing but skill cap is increasing drastically i was in high diamond now at 2982 SR :c

Michael Trompert

7 placements in, only had one game where 4 enemies left after the first half. (High plat)

Randi Bagley

I'm actually playing comp this season and it's not bad (so far)

Alina McDermott-Bedenikovic

One of my placements, which is the only one I’ve even bothered with so far. This one person was playing Genji/Pharah. And let me tell you they were loud as hell trying to deafen everyone on mic. Kept cussing us out, etc. It was bad. Muted him on my end because I was sick of it. But he threw off the match. I never go on mic but I told him to get off and don’t ever play again.
Very shitty people

Ciaran Stewart

They should honestly make it so that if you use the leave button you're banned for the rest of the season. If you DC without using the button then fair play I know the pain but if you actually make a conscious decision to leave you should be banned and be given a rank of 0 sr for that season

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