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PS4 Is anyone looking to join a 4 man tribe on a private pc server slightly boosted. We...


Abdul Alamutu

Is anyone looking to join a 4 man tribe on a private pc server slightly boosted. We are not looking for tamers we need Arkers people that are not complete fucking idiots and have no problem carrying out the task assigned to your position in the tribe. We have no time or patience to explain the game countless times to the same person. Nor do we have time to hear excuses for multiple idiotic mistakes. We are close to unlocking tek engrams if you are interested comment below and I'll contact you. PS4 only.

Ethan Clark

How advanced is your tribe. I hate joining tribes that are already end game cause I feel that I haven't contributed to anything

Trent Atkinson

Yo, you guys thought about official? We're looking for experienced players, PVP official.

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