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Switch Is anyone else getting annoyed with how nintendo are handling the information for...


Warren Whillock

Is anyone else getting annoyed with how nintendo are handling the information for their big games?
I only just realised it myself but nintendo are spoiling so much of the games it's not even funny. I realised it with pokemon sun and moon, where they told us pretty much every new pokemon for gen 7, it helped decide who you were having before the game came out but really every pokemon? No exploring to find out what's new ourselves? I realised it next with arms and splatoon 2. New videos for these games were happening all the time it seems. Where you could name off most of the content in arms by just watching these videos. And you could name all the new stuff in Splatoon 2. I somewhat understand this with arms being a new ip and all, it needs to get people's attention and let people know they are getting a lot of content, but not being able to experiment much with new stuff is silly. And they had to make sure people knew splatoon 2 was not just a port. But I remember seeing a lot of information, we didn't have to be shown everything new for us to tell it's not a port. Now we have super Mario odyssey. Man, I'm really looking forward to this game, like most people are, but I realised something. Am I experiencing this game for myself? We have seen a lot of videos on this and so much information. We know of about 7 kingdoms, and I'm a bit worried that the next trailer will say something like "8+ kingdoms to explore" but in reality it's going to be 9, and they sound like it's more but in most cases whey they advertise "over 100+" it's 101. And seeing as we know most of the kingdoms from trailers, are we really exploring this for ourselves? I'm not going in blind like I used to when I was a child, is that magic going to disappears because I know so much on it? And xenoblade chronicles 2, we got a 9 minute trailer thing, telling us all the guilds and islands we are going to, there goes that exploring aswell. And we probably will get more information on both of these before they come out.
I know people will say "just don't watch it" but it's hard to when you want to see trailers just to get a little snippet but the thumbnails alone spoil things. And I don't want to miss out on the conversations going on because I didn't see the 30+ minute demo for Mario odyssey. A 30 second trailer is fine. A 5 minute information showcase trailer thing is not.
Just a shame for me when I think about it. But what do you all think if you read all of my book?

Zach Viator

It's honestly your fault for looking into the game that much. I still haven't even played BOTW for a example but I haven't watched much of anything about it because I don't want to ruin it. Same with super Mario odyssey. If you feel that way then be more cautious of what you watch

Mistie Newman

Welcome to the internet =)
Where you can find out more information and misinformation than you ever wanted to know.

Jessica Amber Tuls

I have a deep respect for this post, as it mirrors my feelings exactly. I would have to "unfollow" all of nintendo, and stop watching youtube videos that have ads on them. I am tired of movies and games being utterly spoiled by the ads and trailers. I would love to see nothing except a date, and some un-revealing gameplay.

Dylan Pereira


Ewan McDougall

I keep seeing "Oh look at this new area in Mario Odyssey" or "look at what you can do with cappy" I get they are marketing the game and what not but please leave something to suprise us! I don't watch these videos but I keep seeing them coming up. I agree with this post

Jack KH

"Over 100+" is at least 102.

Ashley Golden

I disagree. Some people want lots of information about a game before spending money on it, especially expensive AAA titles. The content is there for those people. And with Nintendo coming off the WiiU era they need to be constantly in the public eye to recover lost ground with consumers who have moved away from Nintendo or have no brand loyalty. Ultimately you have to not watch it if it spoils things for you. Just don't take part in the discussion. That's the trade off you have to make as a consumer. It's your job as a consumer to not consume what you don't want, not restrict others from having access to it. The problem is the temptation to watch is too great for most people and they don't have the restraint to not click the video, read the post, etc.

I know very little about Odyssey. I know there's a hat mechanic, a wedding, and settings with dinos, food, a forest, a dessert, snow, and something tropical maybe Sunshine related. I know he has some costumes. That's about all I know so I stoped there once I felt I had enough info to know I wanted the game. For others that's too much info, for some not enough. The trick is to know yourself well enough to say: at this point I know I want this game regardless of what else I see. I need to stop watching new footage and announcements to keep myself from getting spoiled. That's your responsibility.

Pedro Natera

Is simple don't watch

Justin Dawson

Yeah, it seems that marketing for a lot of things nowadays follows a trend of showing a teaser a ways off then a trailer or footage that leaves you wanting a bit more closer to release and then about two weeks from release, they'll blow it wide open showing way too much.

Batman V Superman was probably the biggest offender of this in my opinion. The previous Mario game was also pretty bad revealing that Rosalina was a hidden character and a lot of other things. With games I still feel that there's a big difference between seeing something and experiencing it so it's not always that bad.

I guess with so many more forms of entertainment out there, it's harder to get someone to buy into your product and so sometimes marketing needs to go that far. And even though it is sometimes difficult to avoid some of those excessive details, if I know I want the game or whatever, I'll try to avoid any new info about two weeks before release. Though, even if I don't manage to avoid spoilers, I know I'll still enjoy it.

Gustavo Jordán Ramírez

Easy fix don't look or search videos of the game

Brandon Cook

I avoid watching any videos after trailers for any new game I'm looking forward to, it is easy to avoid the videos.

Jonathan Patimo

you chose to look at those announcements yourselves... I follow Game of Thrones and haven’t seen a single episode of the last one aired because I’m waiting for Blu Ray release, I avoid anything about it. The world won’t bubble wrap shit for you you gotta do that yourself

Ryne Santos

It's very easy, don't watch it. The only Mario Odyssey things one seen are from the introduction video at E3, that song, and Nintendo World Championship. Everything else with that on YouTube I ignore. I also don't watch movie trailers anymore unless it's just a teaser trailer.

Spen Jones

Stop reading/watching the hype. ‍♂

Joshua Tripp

I'd also beg to differ. Yeah a lot of the information is shown, but knowing about something and experiencing something is two wildly different things. I can tell you all about how driving is, every mechanic of the gear shift, the laws of the land, and every little thing, but once you get behind the wheel that will all kind of go out the window when you get into the action. Same with these games, I play tested arms with the global test punch both times it was active, and had seen every trailer up to that point, but I had zero clue about the inner workings of it, the speed of the fists, the recoil they caused, the recharge times, how each one supplemented each other. That's why I personally enjoy a lot of information, I get excited about all of the possibilities you can do with the shown mechanics, and all of the unintentional ones too (Like the infinite flying carts in BOTW)

Anthony Senart

Yeah I'm all over forms and boards but don't really know anything about Mario. Just turn a cheek

Paul Bourassa

yeah, and when they don't do that they just wait until as close to the last minute as possible to tell us ANYTHING ( case in point: Animal Crossing mobile is supposed to be out soon but we know literally NOTHING )

Kenny Kuang

Not really. Zelda for example. When I finally got to play it I realized they revealed almost nothing.

Victor Rodrigues Macedo

If they didnt the internet would anyway

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