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Im wondering, why does hbm not make gpus much better than gpus with gddr(x)? I thought...


Amin Nausin

Im wondering, why does hbm not make gpus much better than gpus with gddr(x)? I thought it was worlds better

Marc Bourgoin

Heyyo, tbh the hype behind HBM and HBM2 is overrated... sure, they arguably do help quite a bit in higher resolutions to retain performance as seen in 4K UHD, but it still comes down to the performance of the GPU core itself.

Of course, there's sadly not a straight forward method of comparing as AMD and NVIDIA have yet to put out a GPU meant for gaming with HBM and GDDR variants... but if the bandwidth and speed of the memory isn't holding back the GPU core on GDDR5X? HBM2 won't really help that much... nawmnsayin?

Jasiek Jeż

Until gpu cores can keep up hbm will be uselesd

Noah Vang

Its the programmers and AMD's job to utilize the hardware! Like Always AMD always throws Out Drivers a little to late when next gen Nvidia Cards come out! By that time the HBM2 will be fully utilized while Nvidia is already on a new architecture

Richard Sanders

its a bit too expensive, and GDDR still still does the job fine

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