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Xbox One I'm I'm pretty ok with Moira lmao I need some good chill players to rock comp with,...


Al Sandoval

I'm I'm pretty ok with Moira lmao I need some good chill players to rock comp with, preferably tanks, def n DPS.
I main Moira, soldier n junkrat and I'm super beast with Moira on kills and healing


Joey Rafael Quiles

As a healer you should probably make it a priority to heal. That’s the issue with moira mains. You basically end up playing a 3 dps solo heal comp. One of the best advice I’ve ever received in this game is “play your role”. You’d be surprised how far you can get when you facilitate better team play by doing what it is your character is designed to do

Alex Westrum

I'm about 1950 SR right now. Xbox1. I main Zen, flex Pharah Soldier Orisa Rein Bastion (on defense). I usually play sometime between 3:30-7:30 Mon-Wed and random times Fri-Sun. CST. Friend me if you want.
- Dayman763

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