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Xbox One If you pick Widowmaker you're throwing. That's what I've been told 3 times tonight....


Josh Linn

If you pick Widowmaker you're throwing. That's what I've been told 3 times tonight. "Quit throwing". Meanwhile getting 1-2 picks a fight, for my whole team to get rolled. Then I hear "I'm reporting this Widow". Why is the community like this now?

Stephen Roy

A good widow can be a legit game changer

Tabby Baker

Honestly I've been there I feel it. I'm becoming a widow main and I think it's funny getting hate saying thanks for the lose before it starts and I end up going 29 and 3

Josh Linn

Ya, no matter what you're at fault. People give up before the game starts.

Shannon White

I have 30+ hours on widow average 25 kills a game but I have never played her in comp n never will!! Even if I was brilliant n we lost it be my fault widow always one to be blamed

Tabby Baker

I hate when people get so mad about it like it's a game first off plus you never know what people are able to do with the hero. If we lose its everyone's fault

Jeff Brown

What I have experienced when we have a Widowmaker on the team more than once...

If a game is on OT and a Widowmaker is closest to the point, sometimes they are too focused on sniping instead of moving up to the point to reset the timer long enough for some of the other team members to get back. While situational and more of a communication problem, I have been in situations where the Widowmaker just needed to get in, touch the point then grapple back out so that the team can drop ultimates but sometimes you'll see her just standing on the landings or perches looking down the scope. Sometimes, and maybe they don't have a headset on, people have told or asked her to just touch the point and she doesn't. Meanwhile, the OT timer burns off and it's game over while a healer and tank are just shy of the point.

Some players just know what to do in ot regardless of what character they play. So I have seen a Widowmaker jump in to keep the game going and jump right back out when the team gets back.

As a person who hears groans when I select Mei or Sym, I understand. I don't have a problem with people picking whoever they want. I'm just giving an example of what I have seen and why people can get frustrated with Widowmakers on the team.

Josh Linn

I get frustrated when Meis don't know how to use their walls. I get frustrated when dva burns her matrix for no reason. I get frustrated when mercy doesn't know what to do. I get frustrated when Ana holds her ult for an entire round.

My point is that every hero can be fucked up if the person behind the controller doesn't know what to do. The fact that people give up just because you pick a hero is crazy. I had a terrible mercy tell me to switch to junk. When I replied "heal me" she said "not a widow". Which one is hurting the team more? The person doing well on widow, but dying because I steadily get my hp down without heals, or the mercy that won't heal a key player, because she doesn't like the pick?

Oswald Austin

Widows can be clutch just like any other hero. The healers who refuse to heal you are BS. Report them so you don't get que'd up again with them.

I'd say the reason most people don't like the snipers in general is that they are never really a part of the big battles and there are so many other non sniper Hero's who can hit at range and be in the team fights or just fights in general. With widows and other snipers unless you are getting off head shots every time you will always be the problem because you are forcing 5v6's all the time with you as a sniper being way off left or right or too the side. If you're not pegging supports as they are trying to get to their team every single time just about. Switch because you're not helping your team where it counts

Josh Linn

That's what some people also don't understand. You don't have to constantly be getting headshots as widow to be doing your job. Her sniper does 120 damage without a headshot, every 1.25 seconds. That's a lot of damage. If you're constantly putting down great damage, but not getting back to back headshots, people get upset with you. But I'll be sitting there doing the same amount of damage as a soldier would be doing, just standing in a different spot. People need to understand that if you're doing the job your role requires, you're not hurting your team.

Connor Parrinder

Don't listen to em, I'm a Sombra main and all people do is whine when they're losing, they blame it on you because you're the odd one out on the team, the one-trick, but if you play an underused or difficult hero well you can literally be the game changer. Toxic players will be toxic players.

Josh Linn

Sometimes the unorthodox heroes are the most viable.

Kolipie Julian

A huge part of it is the picks have to come at the start of a team fight. To leave them at a fair fight. Widdow needs to at least get two picks to render it a bonus to your team. A single early pick (hopefully a healer) only puts the fight even. As widdow doesn't peel damage during team fights in the traditional sense. Their focus will probably remain on those engaged. I'm by no meams saying she's a bad pick. But unless her focus is correct and proper she's probably not gonna help. Like the mcree who flanks constantly. I don't dismiss these strats as I have symmetra account I'm fairly fond of.

Josh Linn

To say the fight is even if you pick a healer is absurd. Widow can potentially put out the most damage. Every shot is 125 and 300 for a headie. To count her out of the team fight is ridiculous.

Joey Rafael Quiles

Tbh you’re probably throwing tho lol

Liam Wardrop

depends what rank honestly

Tabby Baker


Demykhel Calhoun

I have a friend that has a widow only account that made it to diamond only playing widow everytime I see a widow I always say I'm coo with it as long as your doing your job as dps

Ryan King

if you playing a sniper i think if u dont have atleast 75 ult b4 1st death u should probably switch. i love hanzo, but im not stubborn

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