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If you have a silver or gold border and still platinum or below in competitive it's...


Michael Higgs

If you have a silver or gold border and still platinum or below in competitive it's time for you to stop blaming your teammates for you sucking so bad.

Paul Hitchens

Never blamed my teammates. I blame playing with emotion instead of logic and also arthritis.

Yoshi Huo

Just because you're a high level doesn't mean you're good at the game
I have a friend plat border 5 star who's in silver because he mostly plays arcade and mains Zarya and doomfist

Yoshi Huo

And even so there are people who will shit on you for only being diamond if you're a gold or plat border
I'm a gold 5 star that plays between 3300-3600 and I get shit talked for that but it's because I play who I enjoy which is Sombra because it's a game and it's for fun
A number in a game shouldn't get you riled up

Lewis Fletcher

Why does everyone assume that silver and gold borders equal "should be high teir". What about people who either never play or hardly play comp? I know a few who only do placements and that's it. Some people don't care for the grind and just stick to mainly playing qp and arcade for fun. Also some just play to get golden guns.

Ty Cobb

I second this

Michael Higgs

I'm obviously talking about the people that blame their teammates for them being low.

Yoshi Huo

Matter of fact never blame your teammates regardless of level
If your solo que teams are so bad make a six stack and stop being a bum lul

Tiffany Verina Antone

I have a master teaching me but I have bad habits...

Michael Higgs

I played a few games back with a player that cried the whole game because she couldn't get out of platinum. She wanted someone to be Mercy and heal her the entire game. So I did. We won but it wasn't a fun game. So next round, I was on the opposite team. She was bad she kept feeding us our ults and trying to solo kills 1v6.

H.R. Eros

Doesnt have to mean anything
I played my placements at lvl 25
Got silver, it was ok since this was my first online game so I didnt mind
Played season 6 and it was fun and I almost reached gold
Living in a 3rd world country sucks, internet went bad even though I pay like 70$
Ping was like >120
And it suddenly went high sometimes, it wasnt stable
Had to quit comp because It wasnt fair for my teammates and now I only play qp
Lvl 205 right now
I might get silver border and still be a silver

Gabriel Hamilton

Even if my team picks two snipers and does not listen to collective strategy every other game?

Wilma Englöf

So if I'm lvl 35 and in diamond, am I bad then?

Michael Higgs

I'm talking about the players than complain in voice channel about why they are in plat lol. Saying stuff like 'Man, I'll never get out of play because these gold and plat players are terrible." When honestly it's them not their teammates.

Yuna Kpnr

Im Level 900ish and plat/diamond. This is my fourth season I actually play competitive. Ive played QP and against bots for almost a year. Just because we/they are that high doesnt mean they're playing ranked since Season 1. Dont judge others by their level.

Călin Ştefan

its just... we expect if they invest so much time in the game that they'll be good, but maybe they only like the game even if they're bad at it :D respect them bro, don't be mean

Jay Jones

I have a gold border and dropped back to gold from not playing enough comp to climb, does that mean I suck?

Stephen Barr

if you care enough about this to post it then you need to re evaluate your life priorities

Callie Goodwin

I'm only a high level cause I play a lot of QP and arcade with at least one friend especially for boxes, usually fart around. I do play comp but not accurately and I spend most of my time learning new hero's till I know the whole roster. I currently know the basics of everyone minus doomfist and gengi, and just moved over to using gengi. I use the time as well to aim for achievements and I have almost every ones cute and pixel. Not every cares about SR and rank. I'd be fine in gold but I do take comp seriously.

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