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Xbox One I will be running my own dedicated server on the Xbox. all I require is that you be a...


Russel Fox

I will be running my own dedicated server on the Xbox. all I require is that you be a team player and over 21 and from the UK, we will be a two pronged tribe we will have a military section for defense and offence {raiding /policing} and another section that will do utilities the building, farming and other tribe activities than after our main base and water base is fully done ill let randoms in

The rules
.As this is a PVP server raiding is allowed but please no bullying, offline raiding is frowned upon if you keep doing it I'm sure people will rise up against you

.We have a trading post and town hall any killing there is prohibited.

.The fighting arena is open to all please enjoy the facilities

.No building bases in caves where the artefacts are {unless you are prepared to let people in} and no building on resource re-spawn points like the mountains and the volcano or the loot drop locations

.Do not destroy any admin properties like bridges or the fighting arena also the trading post, The admin bases are fair game but we are the admins and we will retaliate "And we will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger"

.No Killing Passive Dino's BUT tranqing them IS allowed! This is to stop people hiding their valuable goods on their dino's

.Every month all the tribe leaders come together to discuss problems and make solutions at the town hall

.The admins will not raid anyone AT ALL, BUT we are the police and the admins so if you break any of the rules or attempt to raid us we will do anything in our power to punish you but for us to reinforce the rules people/victims must show proof via screen shot as the internet is full of hear/say

.When a new person joins ill be switching the server from PvP to PvE for one week to give them a chance to build up their base but after the week ill change it back to PvP

.Any rules being broken then you will be put in our prison
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