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PC I want some feedback. I've put in 40 hours so far practicing Tracer. I main tanks,...


Barry Leland

I want some feedback. I've put in 40 hours so far practicing Tracer. I main tanks, mostly Winston. I've been working a lot on my aim through Aim Hero and aim drills in-game. Here's a quick round of Comp CTF I had earlier. Do you think I could make it out of Gold/Platinum based on this video? And if not, what could i be working on to improve? I'd really appreciate the feedback. Have a few nice plays throughout the video. Thanks!

Barry Leland

My own critique would be I should try jumping more often while shooting, and only recalling when I will be gaining back health, and only if my blinks are used up. I try to not use more than 1 blink at a time in a fight, and try to keep in mind that i'd rather use two blinks to escape to a health pack rather than use my recall.

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