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I really like the new mercy meta. I know it most likely will get nerfed. Not stiring...


John Leonard

I really like the new mercy meta. I know it most likely will get nerfed. Not stiring that pot! Any advice or tips when using her? Like lessons learned. I'm also trying to think about playing even if she gets a nerf, so just core mercy play style and tips please.

Nick Gale

I find myself using Valkyrie as an instinctual/panic ult WAYYYY too often. I think Valkyrie is best used BEFORE enemy ults rather than during so as to ensure your protection. A dead mercy serves her team no purpose, and losing Valkyrie upon immediate use SUCKS. Hope this helps!

Amanda Kristeen Zimmer

Be hyper aware of your surroundings, always keep track of your team's ults, and try to learn how to gauge enemy ults. You'll start to pick up which enemy has ult after awhile: watching who is doing the most damage, keeping an eye on the Sombra, etc.

Always watch your numbers when it comes to rezzing. If you can put the numbers in your favor, ie turn a 3v3 into a 4v3, it's a good call. Rez people with ults to clear or cap objectives. If you're in a team fight, use guardian angel every moment you can, don't stop moving. Only hide when there's an ult, otherwise stay with your team. Heal tanks to half and then heal DPS or others. Learn which tanks drop faster: keep an eye on your D.Va and Winston, Orisa if her shield is down. If you have a choice between healing someone with self-heal abilities and someone without, heal the person without.

Damage boost is your friend but watch it if the person is or could start taking heavy fire: people can drop quick. Damage boost, switch to heal, then back. If your sniper is good, help them get picks.

You'll get the hang of it after awhile. Her mechanics are super simple so you need to focus on game sense.

Brittany Sokol

Positioning is EVERYTHING with Mercy. With out decent positioning and as someone else stated situational awareness you will have so much trouble staying alive.

John Leonard

Thanks, I've been doing most of this. I'm partially grown out of my add, so playing mercy works very well for me. Stat comparison I'm playing gold1 with her, but I know comp is another beast once I get in there

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