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I really don't get why people are complaining about these changes to Lucio on CTF this...


Emma Rebecca

I really don't get why people are complaining about these changes to Lucio on CTF this should've been done from the off.

If other heroes are going to have their movement abilities take away it's unfair to allow Lucio to still exploit his even if its passive as it just makes him super OP in CTF. The fact he could still wallride with the flag was bullshit as that was one of the biggest issues with old CTF with the fact Lucio can get the flag and then wallride round the outside of the map to places other heroes can't access and therefore they can't get the flag back, yet they completely ignored that even though the changes were meant to combat issues with manoeuvrability; which Lucio's abilities should've logically fallen under as they make him extremely mobile.

As far as I'm concerned Lucio shouldn't even be able to use his speed song whilst he has the flag he should only be able to capture the flag whilst he has his health song on as the speed song gives him the same kind of advantage Soldiers sprint does or Tracers blink does yet they can't use either of those. Getting rid of wallride at least gets rid of one of the main issues which should've been included to begin with as not doing so made no sense.

Bilaal Ijaz


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